Library News
New product: Event Study by WRDS
The IESE Library now has access to Event Study by Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS).
The Event Studies are widely used by empirical researchers in finance, economics, accounting, law, and other business disciplines to analyze the market reaction to firm specific and market-wide events using either returns or volume around the time when event occurred.
Some examples include: earnings announcements, M&As, new capital issues, and announcements of macroeconomic variables (unemployment or trade deficit), measure impact on the value of a firm resulting from a change in the regulatory environment, or to assess the damages.
Why use the WRDS Event Study suite?
• Instant visualization of the effect of events on stock returns – U.S. and Global
• Extract detailed, back-end data for analysis
• Retrieve the behind-the-scenes set of codes
• Access in-depth documentation on methodology used
How to access to Event Study?
Access campus-wide and off campus, from the Databases page. You need to obtain your WRDS account.