Future Healthcare Manager in Europe

Future Healthcare Manager in Europe

Future Healthcare Manager in Europe

The role of the future healthcare manager

Barcelona September 14-15, 2017


The workshop “The role of the future healthcare manager” will be held on 14th and 15th of September at IESE Business School in Barcelona, North Campus.

This workshop will have 40 participants from diverse healthcare organizations and will combine interactive sessions with work-in-groups for debating and developing the role of future healthcare managers.

This activity is part of the Future Healthcare Management in Europe (FHME) project, an EIT Health campus activity (link to more information on EIT Health: eithealth.eu)

The aim of this workshop is to present new ideas on the future healthcare management in Europe and debate with colleagues on potential competencies for health leaders such as digital transformation and positive leadership.

FHME is based on the study “Hospital of the Future” that describes the future role for leading hospitals in Europe (you may download this study by IESE CRHIM on this link).

Future Healthcare Manager in Europe (FHME) is an EIT Health project with the following objectives:

  • Understand and describe the role of the future healthcare manager in Europe.
  • Develop a framework of competencies required by European healthcare managers.
  • Validate these competencies in 3 cities: Grenoble, Stockholm, Barcelona.

The project partners are: IESE Business School, Université Grenoble-Alpes and Karolinska Institutet.

Project collaborators

The European Association of Hospital Managers and the Societat Catalana de Gestió Sanitària are associations collaborating with FHME. These associations bring together their members and experience to the FHME activities such as this workshop, and will contribute by disseminating the results of FHME. 

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona is a reference collaborator in FHME. HCB was described as a leading hospital in the "Hospital of the Future” study, the basis for the FHME project.