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Focused Programs

Focused programs provide a deep dive into the specific competencies or sectors that relate to you.

You will analyze critical leadership challenges and management competencies via a practical multidisciplinary learning methodology. You come away empowered to lead and drive meaningful change.


You choose what you want to learn. Aimed to increase your skillset in key areas ensuring that all content is relevant to your career path.

Create your own personalized track based on the discipline you want to reinforce. Set up a transformative and personalized learning experience with a top-level faculty that will evolve your professional figure to the next level.

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in 3 simple steps

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    Drag and drop your selected programs onto the track bar. Remove them by dragging them off the page.

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    Select 4 programs or more that add up to at least 13 days to earn your Executive Certificate.

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    Save your track.

Plan your own career path and gain the skill-sets to take you to the next level. Create a customized track that focuses on areas that are key for your personal career development.

Select 4 or more programs totaling 13 days and receive your Executive Education Certificate

Click on the program you'd like to add to your track

Focused Programs

  • Comunicar con eficacia y persuasión

    Comunicar con eficacia y persuasión

    Descubre las herramientas y las técnicas básicas de comunicación para convencer y crear vínculos de compromiso con diferentes niveles de la organización y con distintos interlocutores.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 11 February 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Sustainability & ESG: Design, Plan and Implement

    Sustainability & ESG: Design, Plan and Implement

    Sustainability is becoming a core topic in the strategic agendas of many firms. Increasingly, consumers, governments, civil society, and other stakeholders are demanding greater accountability from organizations.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 17 February 2025
    • Duration: 3.5 days

    Strategic management

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  • Negociar con eficacia y creatividad

    Negociar con eficacia y creatividad

    Los directivos deben negociar constantemente. Este curso te ayudará a convertirte en un negociador creativo y eficaz, capaz de cerrar acuerdos en los que todas las partes se sientan satisfechas e implicadas.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 18 February 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Strategic management

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  • Contabilidad y finanzas para directivos no financieros

    Contabilidad y finanzas para directivos no financieros

    Una inmersión en los conceptos financieros clave que debe dominar cualquier directivo para comprender el impacto de las decisiones comerciales, productivas y organizacionales de su empresa.

    Live online (synchronous)

    • Start date: 24 February 2025
    • Duration: 6 weeks


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  • Transformación digital. Programa de alta dirección

    Transformación digital. Programa de alta dirección

    La transformación digital es un tema candente y en la agenda de todo comité de dirección. Esta nueva realidad afecta al modo de relacionarse con los clientes, la forma de trabajar de los equipos, la comunicación y, en definitiva, a la propuesta de valor de las empresas.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 27 February 2025
    • Duration: 9 days

    Strategic management

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  • Consejos de administración responsables

    Consejos de administración responsables

    Profundiza en los temas que deben constituir la agenda de un Consejo de Administración y descubre las últimas ideas sobre los principales ejes que determinan la función de un consejero.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 04 March 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Strategic management

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  • Liderando proyectos estratégicos

    Liderando proyectos estratégicos

    La selección, definición y gestión eficaz de proyectos, dentro del plazo y presupuesto planeados, controlando riesgos e incertidumbres, es una condición indispensable para mantener la competitividad de las empresas.

    Live online (synchronous)

    • Start date: 10 March 2025
    • Duration: 5 weeks

    Strategic management

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  • Negotiation Skills: Create value and manage conflicts

    Negotiation Skills: Create value and manage conflicts

    Negotiation Skills: Create value and manage conflicts is a program that transforms a good negotiator into a great negotiator. A good negotiator is one who negotiates with reasonable success in normal situation.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 10 March 2025
    • Duration: 2 days

    Strategic management

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  • Management Accounting and Control for Executives

    Management Accounting and Control for Executives

    In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, the ability to make informed and strategic decisions quickly is vital. Our 3-day intensive program is designed specifically for forward-thinking business leaders who aim to deepen their understanding of managerial accounting and enhance their management control skills.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 17 March 2025
    • Duration: 3 days


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  • Artificial intelligence for executives

    Artificial intelligence for executives

    In an environment shaped by rapid technology and process change, remaining competitive requires informed, innovative and future-focused leaders. So how do you streamline today while preparing your business for transition to Industry 4.0 tomorrow?

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 18 March 2025
    • Duration: 3.5 days

    Strategic management

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  • Competencias directivas: desarrolla tu liderazgo

    Competencias directivas: desarrolla tu liderazgo

    Las competencias de liderazgo son una herramienta esencial para asegurar la competitividad de las empresas en la economía global. Cada empresa tiene que definir qué competencias considera necesario desarrollar por parte de sus directivos para ser capaces de implantar su estrategia y, así, cumplir con su misión, objetivos y su compromiso con la sociedad.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 20 March 2025
    • Duration: Online + 4 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Getting Things Done: Strategic Management

    Getting Things Done: Strategic Management

    Unlock the mysteries behind strategy implementation and discover the essential factors crucial in bringing about the successful execution of business objectives.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 24 March 2025
    • Duration: 5 days

    Strategic management

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  • Strategic Sales Management

    Strategic Sales Management

    Reflect on the key elements in professionalizing your sales force. Discover best practices, but also mistakes sales leaders often make. Use these inputs to examine and find specific improvement areas for your own team.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 26 March 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Strategic management

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  • Desarrollo sostenible & ESG

    Desarrollo sostenible & ESG

    La sostenibilidad es ya el tema clave de la agenda de las empresas. Los consumidores, los gobiernos y la sociedad en general exigen mayor responsabilidad las organizaciones en todas sus áreas. La comunidad financiera, exige ahora compromisos en los tres componentes de ESG (Medio ambiente, solidaridad y Gobierno Corporativo). Sin embargo, abordar los desafíos ambientales, sociales y corporativos genera tensiones en las organizaciones.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 27 March 2025
    • Duration: Online + 3,5 days

    Strategic management

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  • Mujeres en consejos de administración

    Mujeres en consejos de administración

    La presencia de la mujer en los consejos de administración y en otros órganos de gobierno sigue siendo reducida. Refuerza las competencias y conocimientos necesarios para desempeñar eficazmente tu cargo en un consejo e identifica tus áreas de mejora.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 07 April 2025
    • Duration: 4 days

    Strategic management

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  • Liderar equipos con propósito

    Liderar equipos con propósito

    Dirigir un equipo exige una práctica guiada; los miembros suelen ser directores funcionales o divisionales con visiones parciales y, en ocasiones, intereses enfrentados. El líder debe motivarlos y cohesionarlos para alcanzar la excelencia.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 06 May 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Executing Digital Change: Data, Agility and Continuous Innovation

    Executing Digital Change: Data, Agility and Continuous Innovation

    Build new business, maximize profit and attract new customers no matter what new disruptive technologies come along.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 08 May 2025
    • Duration: Online + 4 days

    Strategic management

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  • Value Creation Through Effective Boards

    Value Creation Through Effective Boards

    In this program, you will discover how to strengthen your own contribution and improve overall board effectiveness to truly drive business values, competitive advantage and board engagement.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 19 May 2025
    • Duration: 4 days

    Strategic management

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  • Become a Positive Leader to Accelerate Positive Change

    Become a Positive Leader to Accelerate Positive Change

    Increasing employee engagement, driving innovation and change, and stimulating extraordinary performance involves taking a new approach to leadership. You will learn proven techniques and acquire tools to stimulate performance in others by focusing on their strengths.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 19 May 2025
    • Duration: 4.5 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Dirección estratégica de RR. HH.: personas y resultados en un entorno digital

    Dirección estratégica de RR. HH.: personas y resultados en un entorno digital

    Las últimas técnicas en Dirección de Personas, un Departamento que se ha convertido en una pieza clave en las organizaciones, inmersas en entornos cada vez más complejos y globalizados.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 27 May 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Strategic management

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  • Artificial Intelligence for Executives

    Artificial Intelligence for Executives

    In an environment shaped by rapid technology and process change, remaining competitive requires informed, innovative and future-focused leaders. So how do you streamline today while preparing your business for transition to Industry 4.0 tomorrow?

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 02 June 2025
    • Duration: 3.5 days

    Strategic management

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  • Developing Leadership Competencies

    Developing Leadership Competencies

    Discover how to improve your leadership skills – identifying your strenthgs and weaknesses – and empower the individuals and teams in your organization to reach their full potential.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 04 June 2025
    • Duration: Online + 3,5 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Getting Things Done: Strategic Management

    Getting Things Done: Strategic Management

    Unlock the mysteries behind strategy implementation and discover the essential factors crucial in bringing about the successful execution of business objectives.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 09 June 2025
    • Duration: 5 days

    Strategic management

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  • Communication Skills that Empower Your Leadership

    Communication Skills that Empower Your Leadership

    Discover how to speak powerfully and communicate effectively in a variety of contexts, capture the attention of your audience and make your body language work to your advantage.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 17 June 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • IA en la Empresa: Impacto en el Negocio, la Organización y las Personas

    IA en la Empresa: Impacto en el Negocio, la Organización y las Personas

    Este programa ofrece a los directivos una visión integral del impacto de la IA: desde la transformación de modelos de negocio y el desarrollo de capacidades tanto tecnológicas como organizativas, hasta la integración de principios éticos alineados con los valores de la empresa.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 July 2025
    • Duration: 4 days


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  • Advanced Negotiation Strategies

    Advanced Negotiation Strategies

    In the fast-paced world of leadership, negotiation is more than just a skill: it’s a necessity. Going beyond the basics, this program delves deep into strategic negotiation tactics essential for navigating ethical dilemmas, deal-making and multicultural contexts.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 October 2025
    • Duration: 2 days

    Strategic management

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  • Dirección estratégica de ventas

    Dirección estratégica de ventas

    Descubre las claves para crear una red de ventas adecuada, definir tu plan comercial idóneo y motivar a tu equipo al máximo.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 27 October 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Marketing and sales management

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  • Developing Leadership Competencies

    Developing Leadership Competencies

    Discover how to improve your leadership skills – identifying your strengths and weaknesses – and empower the individuals and teams in your organization to reach their full potential.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 November 2025
    • Duration: Online + 3.5 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Negociar con eficacia y creatividad

    Negociar con eficacia y creatividad

    Los directivos deben negociar constantemente. Este curso te ayudará a convertirte en un negociador creativo y eficaz, capaz de cerrar acuerdos en los que todas las partes se sientan satisfechas e implicadas.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 November 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Strategic management

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  • High-Performance Board Member Program

    High-Performance Board Member Program

    Corporate boards play a crucial role in today's transformational business landscape, providing guidance and oversight on a range of issues, including business strategy, risk management, and regulatory compliance. This unique program is designed for executives currently serving on corporate boards, those aspiring to serve on corporate boards, and executives seeking to engage more effectively with their boards.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 24 November 2025
    • Duration: 3 non-consecutive weeks

    Strategic management

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  • Comunicar con eficacia y persuasión

    Comunicar con eficacia y persuasión

    Descubre las herramientas y las técnicas básicas de comunicación para convencer y crear vínculos de compromiso con diferentes niveles de la organización y con distintos interlocutores.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 December 2025
    • Duration: 3 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • El gobierno de empresas sociales: consejo, propósito, personas y estrategia

    El gobierno de empresas sociales: consejo, propósito, personas y estrategia

    Te brindamos las herramientas esenciales para que tu institución crezca en torno a su propia misión y tenga un impacto social más profundo y duradero.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 April 2026
    • Duration: 2.5 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Gestión de endowments y fondos institucionales

    Gestión de endowments y fondos institucionales

    Los endowment funds o fondos de dotación son las reservas financieras de instituciones que generalmente se reciben con la condición de que sean invertidos para generar rentabilidades anuales. Descubre los conceptos y herramientas necesarias para gestionar exitosamente tus endowments.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 October 2026
    • Duration: 2.5 days

    Leadership and people management

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  • Fundraising: claves para el éxito

    Fundraising: claves para el éxito

    Este programa ofrece los conocimientos para llevar a cabo actividades de fundraising con éxito, incluidos el lanzamiento y gestión de campañas y las técnicas necesarias para desarrollar la relación con potenciales donantes.

    Face to face / Blended

    • Start date: 01 October 2026
    • Duration: 2.5 days

    Leadership and people management

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    Tailor-made program track with content to suit your skill-sets,interests anda professional goals.

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    Executive Education Certificate wich provides access to the global IESE Alumni Community.

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    Work at your own pace and take part in the programs during a period of up to 36 months.

More information

    IN CHARGE: IESE Business School, InfoDat, Av. Pearson 21, 08034 Barcelona, ​​email InfoDat@iese.edu.PURPOSE: Manage the activities developed by IESE and send information related to IESE's activity or the entities belonging to its teaching field, including by electronic means. VALIDATION: Service agreement with the interested party and/or consent of the interested party. TRANSFERS: Not considered. PROTECTION: Revocation of consent and/or request for withdrawal from communications from IESE within the time periods required by law to meet any responsibilities. RIGHTS: You may withdraw your consent, as well as exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation or opposition, at the indicated addresses, at any time. In the event of any disagreement, you may file a complaint with the relevant Data Protection Authority.
