Publicaciones(22.750 resultados)
DE VITO, A., HILLMANN, L., JACOB, M., VOSSEBÜRGER, R. (2025). Do personal income taxes affect corporate tax-motivated profit shifting? Journal of Accounting and Economics. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4064766.
EDSON ESCALAS, J., WILLIAMS, P., GALLO, Í. (2025). Implications of brand purpose for consumer identity. In Ravio, Ayalla A. & Belk, Rusell (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Identity and Consumption. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
DE VITO, A., JACOB, M., SCHINDLER, D., XU, G. (2025). How do corporate tax hikes affect investment allocation within multinationals? Review of Finance. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3643481.
WICKERT, C., POTOČNIK, K., PRASHANTHAM, S., SHI, W., SNIHUR, Y. (2024). Embracing non-Western Contexts in Management Scholarship. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (8), e1-e24. doi:10.1111/joms.13048.
HILLMANN, L., JACOB, M. (2024). The Effect of limited tax loss carryforwards on corporate investment. Journal of Accounting and Economics. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4174990.
FRIEDMAN, H., ORMAZABAL, G. (2024). The Role of information in building a more sustainable economy. A Supply and demand perspective. Journal of Accounting Research, 62 (5), 1575-1609. doi:10.1111/1475-679X.12581.
ALASHOOR, T., KEIL, M., JIANG, Z., SAFFARIZADEH, K. (2024). Privacy concerns and data donations. Do societal benefits matter? MIS Quarterly. doi:10.25300/MISQ/2024/16853.
FIORAVANTE, R., VACCARO, A. (2024). La ética en las decisiones empresariales del futuro. Harvard Deusto Business Review (350), pp. 66-70.
GONZÁLEZ-PERALTA, O. (2024). Los cuatro componentes del comportamiento ético. IESE, BEN-156.
GONZÁLEZ-PERALTA, O. (2024). Four components of ethical behavior. IESE, BEN-156-E.
SERRANO, A., MOSCOSO, P., SÁNCHEZ, E. (2024). PLD Space. IESE, OIT-53-E.
SERRANO, A., MOSCOSO, P., SÁNCHEZ, E. (2024). PLD Space. IESE, OIT-53.
IDE, E. (2024). Dual moral hazard and the tyranny of success. American Economic Journal-Microeconomics, 16 (4), 154–91. doi:10.1257/mic.20220344.
GKEREDAKIS, M., SWAN , J., NICOLINI, D., TSOUKAS, H. (2024). What is the right thing to do? The constitutive role of organizational ethical frameworks in collective ethical sensemaking. Human Relations, 77 (11), 1650-1687. doi:10.1177/00187267231205165.
ZOTT, C., AMIT, R. (2024). Business Models and Lean Startup. Journal of Management, 50 (8), 3183-3201. doi:10.1177/01492063241228245.
BRONK, K. C., LIECHTENSTEIN, H., EL SEHITY, T., MITCHELL, C., POSTLEWAITE, E., COLBY, A., DAMON, W., ... SWANSON, Z. (2024). Family purpose. An empirical investigation of collective purpose. Journal of Positive Psychology, 19 (4), 662-674. doi:10.1080/17439760.2023.2254738.
ELVIRA, M. (2024). Estudio sobre retribución de los Consejer@s de Empresas Familiares no cotizadas. Transearch España, Madrid, España.
VALENTÍ, A., MILLER, C. J., TUCKER, C. (2024). Combining ad targeting techniques. Evidence from a field experiment in the auto industry. Management Science.
ALMANDOZ, J., REY, C. (2024). The Catholic university’s integral purpose. A multidimensional perspective. Church, Communication and Culture, 9 (2), 186-206. doi:10.1080/23753234.2024.2403392.
FERRÁNDIZ, L., VILLANUEVA, J., SIMARRO, S., FERNÁNDEZ-VELILLA, R. (2024). Search Engine Marketing (SEM). IESE, MN-422.