Publicaciones(22.656 resultados)
MOSCOSO, P., SASTRE BOQUET, I., LAGO, A. (2024). La estrategia "Reinvención de Starbucks": el rol de su Consejo de Administración. IESE, OIT-52.
GALLO, Í., PAVONE, G. (2024). Simplifying marketing strategy: 10 mantras for modern marketing. IESE, MN-420-E.
SOLER, E. (2024). El Centro de Idiomas de la Università Internazionale di Milano (UNIM). IESE, C-820.
BORRÀS, J., PLANA, A., RICART, J. E. (2024). El reto de la movilidad en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona. IESE.
SCHNEIDER, C. (2024). AI for Content Generation: CNET's Dilemma. IESE, OIT-50-E.
ISSLER, P., STANTON, R., VERGARA, C., WALLACE, N. (2024). Mortgage markets with climate-change risk. Evidence from wildfires in California. Journal of Finance.
SAMILA, S., SIMETH, M., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). Institutional ownership and corporate scientific research.
BONETTI, P., LEUZ, C., MICHELON, G. (2024). Internalizing Externalities through Public Pressure: Transparency Regulation for Fracking, Drilling Activity and Water Quality.
ACHARYA, V. V., CROSIGNANI, M., EISERT, T., EUFINGER, C. (2024). Zombie credit and (dis-)inflation. Evidence from Europe. Journal of Finance, 79 (3), 1883-1929. doi:10.1111/jofi.13342.
GALLO, Í., MILLER, C. J., HAGHIGHI, N., GILOVICH, T. D. (2024). The differential impact of uncertainty on the evaluation of material and experiential purchases. Marketing Letters, 35 (2), 187-203. doi:10.1007/s11002-023-09686-3.
SABANCI, H., ELVIRA, M. (2024). The Outcomes of cross-category career moves. How cross-industry mobility and industry prestige jointly impact executive compensation. Academy of Management Journal, 67 (3), 767-797. doi:10.5465/amj.2020.1423.
COLLEWAERT, V., NECKEBROUCK, J., VANACKER, T., T., BOURGOIS, D., MANIGART, S. (2024). Same owner, different impact. How responses to performance feedback differ across a private equity investor's portfolio firms. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18 (2), 306-334. doi:10.1002/sej.1487.
REICHE, S., GEORGE, M. (2024). Plug in, ponder, or pause? How global professionals’ prior identity tensions affected their responses to pandemic-induced disruptions. Academy of Management Discoveries, 10 (2), 192-223. doi:10.5465/amd.2022.0039.
EUFINGER, C., GILL, A., HETT, F. (2024). Domestic financial conditions and MNCs' global competitiveness. Evidence from the Swiss franc shock. Journal of International Business Studies. doi:10.1057/s41267-024-00703-9.
SIMETH, M., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). On "Innovation and Institutional Ownership". Journal of Corporate Finance, 86, Article 172230. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2024.102569.
BERRONE, P. (2024). Demanding but committed? The organizational consequences of broadening stakeholder governance. EURAM Conference 2024: Fostering innovation to address grand challenges.
GUO, Y., WANG, S., ROFCANIN, Y., LAS HERAS, M. (2024). A meta-analytic review of family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSBs). Work-family related antecedents, outcomes, and a theory-driven comparison of two mediating mechanisms. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 151, Article 103988. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2024.103988.
ALASHOOR, T. (2024). The general relativity of privacy. ECIS 2024 TREOS (Technology Research, Education, and Opinion Forum).
ESTRADA, J. (2024). Retirement Planning: The Volatility-Adjusted Coverage Ratio. Journal of Retirement, 12 (1), 40 - 60. doi:10.3905/jor.2024.1.152.
IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL, VEEPEE, KANTAR (2024). El futuro del E-commerce en España. IESE, Barcelona, España.