Publicaciones(22.569 resultados)
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: diseñanado un sistema salarial para une empresa sin jefes (B). IESE, DPOI-7.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: diseñanado un sistema salarial para une empresa sin jefes (A). IESE, DPOI-6.
SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A., FERRARO, F. (2024). Business school teaching case study. Can the fashion industry be more sustainable? Financial Times, UK.
APASCARITEI, P., ELVIRA, M., RODRÍGUEZ-GARCÍA, M. (2024). Flexing to outperform. Workforce differentiation, HR flexibility and firm performance. International Journal of Manpower. doi:10.1108/IJM-02-2024-0146.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: designing a salary system for a company without bosses (A). IESE, DPOI-6-E.
LAS HERAS, M., SASTRE BOQUET, I., PÉREZ DEL VALLE, J. (2024). Basetis: designing a salary system for a company without bosses (B). IESE, DPOI-7-E.
RUIZ-ALBA, J. L., CHINCHILLA, N. (2024). House of Money. IESE, DPO-854-E.
SÁEZ DE TEJADA CUENCA, A., DHINGRA, V. (2024). Financial penalties and responsible operations. Theory and evidence from the mining sector. 5th European Technology and Operations Management Day.
HUANG, T., KUMAR, A., SACCHETTO, S., VERGARA, C. (2024). Stock comovement and financial flexibility. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59 (3), 1141-1184. doi:10.1017/S0022109022001338.
VALENTÍ, A., SRINIVASAN, S., YILDIRIM, G., PAUWELS, K. (2024). Direct mail to prospects and email to current customers? Modeling and field-testing multichannel marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52 (3), 815-834. doi:10.1007/s11747-023-00962-2.
LUGOSI, G., MARKAKIS, M. G., NEU, G. (2024). On the hardness of learning from censored and nonstationary demand. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 6 (2), 63–83. doi:10.1287/ijoo.2022.0017.
IDE, E., TALAMÀS, E. (2024). Artificial intelligence in the knowledge economy.
WAEGER, D., KING, B. G., HAFENBRÄDL, S. (2024). An agenda setting model of stakeholder influence. ASAC Annual Conference 2024 (Administrative Sciences Association of Canada).
ROUSSEAU, H., FERRES, D., MARCET, F., BERRONE, P. (2024). Green from peers. The differential impact of technology spillovers on envirnmental performance. GRONEN 2024.
BRONK, K. C., LIECHTENSTEIN, H., EL SEHITY, T., MITCHELL, C., POSTLEWAITE, E., COLBY, A., DAMON, W., ... SWANSON, Z. (2024). Family purpose. An empirical investigation of collective purpose. Journal of Positive Psychology, 19 (4), 662-674. doi:10.1080/17439760.2023.2254738.
GUZMÁN, F., REICHE, S. (2024). A chorus of different tongues. Official corporate language fluency and informal influence in multinational teams. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 182, Article 104334. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2024.104334.
SNIHUR, Y., TARZIJAN, J. (2024). Centralization Decisions in Multisided Platform Portfolios. Academy of Management Perspectives. doi:10.5465/amp.2023.0075.
GRANDES, M. J., PEÑALVA, F., SOLER, E. (2024). Weber Industrie GmbH - hoja de calculo. IESE, CS-177.
GRANDES, M. J., PEÑALVA, F., SOLER, E. (2024). Weber Industrie GmbH - hoja de preparación. IESE, CP-210.
GRANDES, M. J., PEÑALVA, F., SOLER, E. (2024). Weber Industrie GmbH. IESE, C-819.