Departamento de Dirección Estratégica
Director: Pascual Berrone
La dirección estratégica es la principal función de un director general. El departamento de Dirección Estratégica orienta su actividad docente e investigadora a la preparación de los directivos que desempeñan esta función.
Los miembros del departamento trabajan para desarrollar los instrumentos y conocimientos necesarios para poner en práctica estrategias empresariales sólidas y competitivas.
Materias académicas
- Estrategia competitiva
- Estrategia corporativa
- Procesos estratégicos
- Estrategia internacional
- Innovación y estrategia
A través de su investigación, el claustro que compone el departamento explora las tendencias más recientes y de mayor impacto sobre dirección estratégica.
Áreas de especialización
Las áreas de interés y especialización de los profesores incluyen:
Tiempo completo
Tiempo completo
Colaboradores externos
Colaboradores externos
Executive Fellows
- Konstantinos Apostolatos
Co-founder & Managing Director, Enlighten Advisory - Marco Arcelli
CEO, ACWA Power - Andrea Baldo
CEO, Mulberry - Henk de Jong
Member of the board of the University of Groningen (RUG), IDFA (international documentary festival) and Global Factories (Medical devices) - Helmuth Ludwig
Professor of Practice, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University
Member of the Board, Hitachi Ltd - Juan Moreno
Corporate Strategy Director, La Farga - Alejandro Oñoro
CEO, Ilunion - Pau Relat
President, Mat Holding Group
Chairman of Governing Board, Fira de Barcelona - Cristina Ventura Serra
General Partner & Chief Catalyst Officer, White Star Capital
Former Collaborators
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
SIMETH, M., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). On "Innovation and Institutional Ownership". Journal of Corporate Finance, 86, Article 172230. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2024.102569.
VERY, M.-A., CAPRON, L., GUILLÉN, M. (2024). Do financial crises moderate the influence of stakeholder rights protection on M&A activity. The influence of institutional logics and power? Global Strategy Journal. doi:10.1002/gsj.1504. (Online first)
RICART, J. E. (2024). Public-private partnerships and sustainable development – designing relational business models. Journal of Business Models, 12 (1), pp. 36-42.
MAORET, M., MOREIRA, S., SABANCI, H. (2024). Closing the gender pay gap. Analyst coverage, stakeholder attention, and gender differences in executive compensation. Organization Studies, 45 (4), 495-521. doi:10.1177/01708406231200725.
EKINCI, E., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). Holdup, knowledge transferability, and productivity. Theory and evidence from knowledge workers. Journal of Industrial Economics, 72 (1), 193-252. doi:10.1111/joie.12356.
BARUFFALDI, S., SIMETH, M., WEHRHEIM, D. (2024). Asymmetric information and R&D disclosure. Evidence from scientific publications. Management Science, 70 (2), 1052-1069. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2023.4721.
MCALLUM, K., ELVIRA, M., VILLAMOR, M. (2024). “I only tell them the good parts”. How relational others influence paid careworkers’ descriptions of their work as meaningful. Management Communication Quarterly, 38 (1), 171-202. doi:10.1177/08933189231180133.
BOULONGNE, R., DURAND, R., FLAMMER, C. (2024). Impact investing in disadvantaged urban areas. Strategic Management Journal, 45 (2), 238-271. doi:10.1002/smj.3544.
CAPO, F., VACCARO, A., BERRONE, P. (2024). Revitalizing urban places. How prosocial organizations acquire saliency in the eyes of resisting stakeholders. Journal of Business Ethics, 189 (4), 655–675, doi:10.1007/s10551-023-05562-2.
GIL, R., ARGYRES, N., ZANARONE, G. (2024). Does supply concentration encourage cooperation? Evidence from airlines. Management Science. (Forthcoming)
Working Papers
Working Papers
BLANCO, I., FERRARO, F., VALENTINI, G., WEHRHEIM, D. (2022). Meet me halfway. Financial analysts and strategic change.
CANALS, J. (2022). The Changing Nature and Functions of Boards of Directors (WP-1307-E). Barcelona: IESE.
CANALS, J. (2022). From Financial Performance to ESG Results: How to Assess the Firm's Overall Impact (WP-1308-E). Barcelona: IESE.
BURFORD, N., SHIPILOV, A. V., FURR, N. R. (2022). Ecosystem interdependencies as drivers of acquisition choices.
CANALS, J. (2021). Deciding the Firm's Future: The Role of the Board of Directors in Corporate Strategy (WP-1302-E). Barcelona: IESE.
ROUSSEAU, H. E., BROMILEY, P., BERRONE, P. (2020). A Behavioral perspective of search in nonprofit organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings (pp. 14089).
BONET, R., ELVIRA, M., VISINTIN, S. (2020). Hiring temps but losing perms?. The Effects of temporary hiring on turnover in a dual labor market. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
ELVIRA, M., SABANCI, H. (2020). Leaps of faith. Cross-industry mobility, industry status, and executive compensation. Annual Meeting Proceedings: Virtual 2020. Academy of Management Proceedings.
KONING, R., SAMILA, S., FERGUSON, J. -P. (2020). Inventor gender and the direction of invention. (pp. 250-54). AEA Papers and Proceedings.
ESCRIBANO PINTO, P., DUFOUR, L., MAORET, M. (2017). Will I socialize you? An IPO model of supervisors' involvement in newcomers' socialization. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Articles in other publications
Articles in other publications
SAMILA, S. (2023). AI: Beyond the hype. IESE Business School Insight (165), pp. 62-67.
SAMILA, S. (2023). IA: más allá del revuelo. IESE Business School Insight (165), pp. 62-67.
BURFORD, N., SHIPILOV, A. V., FURR, N. R. (2023). How GDPR changed European companies’ tech stacks. Harvard Business Review.
CALDART, A., MORENO, JUAN, J. (2023). Tesla y el nuevo sector de automoción: ¿realidad o ilusión?. Casos prácticos. Harvard Deusto Business Review (330).
FERRARO, F., ALEX EDMANS (2023). ESG is dead, long live ESG. IESE Business School Insight (163), pp. 62-67.
CANALS, J. (2023). Transformarse para perdurar. Consejos de administración y gobierno de la empresa en épocas de cambios disruptivos. Barcelona: Deusto.
CANALS, J. (2022). Boards of directors in disruptive times. Improving corporate governance effectiveness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ROSENBERG, M. (2022). Learning to fly. How to manage your career in a turbulent and changing world. Anthem Press.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E., BRITO, E. (2022). Cities and Governance. The Rise of cities as global actors. Barcelona: IESE.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E., TATGE, L. (2022). Cities and technology. Building cities in the age of information. Barcelona: IESE.
Edited books
Edited books
CALDART, A., RICART, J. E., CARRERA, A. (2019). General Management in Latin and Ibero American Organizations: A Humanistic Perspective. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
MAORET, M., JONES, C. (2018). Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
ROSENBERG, M., SEAGER, P. (2017). Managing Media Businesses. A Game Plan to Navigate Disruption and Uncertainty.
VON KROGH, G., TAKEUCHI, H., KASE, K., CANTÓN, C. G. (2013). Towards Organizational Knowledge. The Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan.
CANALS, J. (2012). Leadership Development in a Global World. The Role of Companies and Business Schools. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
ROSENBERG, M. (2024). El véhiculo eléctrico. Nada es gratis. En Fité, R.M.; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las personas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 121-130). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
RICART, J. E. (2024). Construyendo ciudades smart centradas en las personas. En Fité, R.M.; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las personas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 131-135). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
ARIÑO, A. (2024). Alianzas. Emprender juntos con visión y confianza. En Fité, R.M. ; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las personas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 155-166). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
VILÀ, J. (2024). Pensamiento innovador para la orientación estratégica de la empresa. En Fité, R.M.; Nueno, P.; Mehta, K. and Vilà, J. (Eds.), Primero las pesonas: pensamiento emprendedor para resolver problemas empresariales (pp. 227-236). Barcelona: Gestión 2000.
ROSENBERG, M. (2023). Business and sustainability. In Reiche, Sebastian B.; Stahl, Günter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. ; Oddou, Gary R. (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (pp. 482-498). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
CANALS, J., ORMAZABAL, G., SAKASAI, Y. (2024). How can boards improve their effectiveness? 2024 IESE survey on boards of directors. IESE.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E., GROSSI, F. (2024). Índice IESE Cities in Motion 2024. IESE.
BERRONE, P., RICART, J. E., GROSSI, F. (2024). IESE Cities in Motion Index 2024. IESE.
ELVIRA, M., TORRES, B., REVILLA, M. D. M. (2024). Vínculos profundos: Un análisis riguroso sobre las relaciones entre las empresas familiares y sus stakeholders. IESE.
BERRONE, P., MULTINACIONALES POR MARCA ESPAÑA (2023). Barómetro del clima de negocios en España desde la perspectiva del inversor extranjero. Resultados 2023.
BERRONE, P., CALDART, A., RICART, J. E., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2024). Tesla in the 2020s: moment of truth for the "Master Plan" (Update 2024). IESE, SM-1764-E.
PASTORIZA, D., ARIÑO, A., CALLEJA, R. (2024). Shifting alliances in the golf industry: The PGA Tour, the European Tour, and the Saudi Public Investment Fund (B). IESE, SM-1758-E.
PASTORIZA, D., ARIÑO, A., CALLEJA, R. (2024). Shifting alliances in the golf industry: The PGA Tour, the European Tour, and the Saudi Public Investment Fund (C). IESE, SM-1759-E.
VROOM, G., ISAAC SASTRE BOQUET (2024). Spotify: Face the Music (Update 2024). IESE, SM-1761-E.
SASTRE BOQUET, I., FERRARO, F. (2024). GANNI's new skin: Toward responsible fashion (B). IESE, SM-1760-E.
Technical Notes
Technical Notes
CANALS, J. (2024). Can the board of directors be an effective team? IESE, SMN-709-E.
CALDART, A. (2024). Estrategia corporativa. La diversificación sectorial. IESE, SMN-712.
CALDART, A. (2024). Corporate strategy. Sectoral diversification. IESE, SMN-712-E.
CANALS, J. (2022). The Role of the Board of Directors in Corporate Transformation. IESE, SMN-708-E.
VROOM, G., DESHMANE, A., SASTRE BOQUET, I. (2021). The Music Industry in the 2020s. IESE, SMN-706-E.