4th International Executive Coaching Symposium
Nurturing PurposeBarcelona, November 18th, 2019
4th International Executive Coaching Symposium
On November 18, 2019, IESE´s Barcelona Campus will welcome senior executive coaches, scholars and HR professionals for the 4th International Executive Coaching Symposium, organized by the IESE Executive Coaching Unit.
This year’s symposium will be devoted to “Nurturing Purpose” and, as the title suggests, we will explore different pathways to foster purpose and meaning in the workplace. The lines between personal and professional life are extremely blurred nowadays and people’s identity is entrenched in their work more than ever. Meaning, calling and purpose allow for authentic and full lives, where work is aligned with values. This is why the symposium revolves around the question:
How can coaching cultivate meaning and purpose at work?
We will tackle this question in different ways and sessions:
• Two plenary sessions, informed by practice and research, that will present state-of-the-art knowledge on topics related to calling, purpose and meaning. The keynote speakers will touch upon certain elements of working life which we don’t usually have time to think about in our busy day-to-day, and will bring coaches and their clients closer to the “why” behind the work they do.
– Vincent Ogutu, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Designated Vice Chancellor, Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya)
– Nick Craig, President, Core Leadership Institute (Boston, USA), author of “Leading from Purpose”
• Workshop discussion with a panel of executives both from corporations and international not-forprofit organizations. The speakers will share experiences which will inspire and bring new insights on ways of fostering purpose at work, both from personal and organizational perspective.
• The afternoon, will include different parallel tracks where participants will interact and discuss different aspects related to purpose and coaching: leveraging on purpose to enhance personal change; how to uncover sense of purpose; aligning personal purpose and company purpose; why and how meaning is relevant for career transition; relevance of purpose at different ages (mid-life, millennials, etc.); purpose and team coaching; connection between happiness and wellbeing with purpose-driven work; strengths and pitfalls of purpose in the coaching profession.
The 4th IESE International Executive Coaching Symposium aims to contribute at the ongoing improvement of coaching with up-to-date research content and hands-on practical information from the business world. Exploring meaning and purpose in the workplace will provide valuable takeaways for current executive coaching practices and add value to the coaching profession overall.
Nurturing Purpose
Barcelona, Nov 18, 2019
8:30 a. m. – Welcome and reception of participants
9:00 a. m. – Introduction of the day
• Prof. Alberto Ribera, IESE Business School
• Dr. Estíbalitz Ortiz, IESE Business School
9:15 a. m. – When work and calling meet
• Prof. Vincent Ogutu, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Designated Vice Chancellor, Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya)
10:15 a. m. – Coffee-break
11:00 a. m. – Leading from Purpose
• Mr. Nick Craig, President Core Leadership Institute (Harvard, USA)
12:00 p. m. – Panel Roundtable
• Mr. Sherif Bakir, CEO Vodafone Roaming Services (Luxembourg)
• Mr. Daniele Di Fausto, CEO eFM (Rome)
• Dr. Mariam Kakkar, Chief of Talent Development, United Nations Development Programme (Copenhagen)
• Mr. Javier Pujol, CEO Ficosa (Barcelona)
Moderator: Prof. Anneloes Raes, IESE Business School
1:30 p. m. – Lunch
3:00 p. m. – Workshop: Journey into the room of purpose
• Mr. Nick Craig, President Core Leadership Institute (Harvard, USA)
4:00 p. m. – Coffee-break
4:45 p. m. – Nurturing Purpose: parallel theme tracks
• Dr. Estíbalitz Ortiz, IESE Business School
5:00 p. m. – Tracks
Track 1. Polarity and conflicting values
Facilitator: Elena Ivanushkina (Barcelona)
Track 2. Anchoring professional lives
Facilitator: Victoria Doebbel (Fribourg)
Track 3. Leveraging on your purpose as a coach to enhance your presence, listening skills and overall effectiveness
Facilitator: Emilia Doménech (Madrid)
Track 4. Authenticity and coaching
Facilitator: Jason Rabinowitz (London)
Track 5. Pausing, reflection and purpose
Facilitator: Stefan Kuijken (Amsterdam)
Track 6. Too much purpose?
Facilitator: Lorraine Reid (Dublin)
6:30 p. m. – Break
6:45 p. m. – Red thread review and final remarks
• Prof. Alberto Ribera, IESE Business School
7:30 p. m. – Closure
8:00 p. m. – Transportation to the restaurant
8:30 p. m. – Dinner
The different activities organized by the IESE Executive Coaching Unit are:
• Provision of executive coaching to strengthen and complement the learning of participants in IESE executive education programs.
• Research on the foundations and impact of executive coaching, the different assessment tools available, and the best methodologies in the context of management and leadership education.
• Workshops and meetings with other institutions. The coaching unit organizes a series of workshops and international meetings through close collaboration with other institutions.
• The publication of cases and technical notes. Over the last 10 years, IESE’s coaching unit has published more than 30 cases and technical notes related to executive coaching and assessment instruments.
The Coaching Unit relies on the collaboration of a team of more than 60 senior coaches that, besides their proven qualification and expertise in different methodologies of coaching, have a relevant professional experience working as executives in a variety of industries and corporations.
The Coaching Unit is led by Prof. Alberto Ribera, Academic Director, and Dr. Estibalitz Ortiz, Executive Director.

Dates and Location
November 18, 2019
IESE Barcelona
South Campus
Av. Pedralbes, 21
08034 Barcelona
Tel.:+34 93 253 4200