4th Meeting of the EURO Group on Retail Operations
Colonia de Sant Jordi, MallorcaApril 9-11, 2019
Dear conference participants,
Welcome to the website of the 4th Meeting of the EURO Group on Retail Operations, organized by IESE Business School, University of Navarra. The meeting will take place in 9-11 April 2019 in the off-site location of Colonia de Sant Jordi, on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Mallorca, which offers convenient and affordable direct connections to most European destinations.
The EURO Group on Retail Operations was started in 2016 and has met on a yearly basis in Beilngries (Germany), Porto (Portugal) and Eindhoven (Netherlands). More information can be found at http://www.ewg-retail-ops.eu/
For this occasion, we would like to provide more time to strengthen the interactions among participants, and to foster joint research projects within the group.
Looking forward to seeing you in Mallorca!
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Victor Martínez de Albéniz
Professor, IESE Business School
Venue & Dates
Blau Colonia Sant Jordi Resort & Spa
Colonia de Sant Jordi, Mallorca
9-11 April 2019
Registration and Abstract submission
If you are interested to present your work at the meeting – either in a full talk of 20 minutes or in the poster sessions – please submit by February 15, 2019 (midnight EST):
- Title
- Authors and affiliations
- Abstract
Submissions are now open!
Please send the information above by email to ewgonretailoperations@iese.edu
To register, please fill out the Form
Keep in mind that this time, compared to previous editions, we plan to have less slots for presentations and more poster presentations.
Fees & Payment Method
PhD Student 290€
Regular Participant – early bird (before February 15) 340€
Regular Participant – late 390€
The registration fee includes transportation from/to the airport (3 buses with fixed schedule), accommodation and meals.
Please send your payment via wire transfer to:
Bank: Bankinter, Avenida Diagonal, 507-509, 08029 Barcelona SPAIN
Bank Acct. No.: 0128-6501-53-0101390462
IBAN Acct. No.: ES76 0128 6501 5301 0139 0462
Make sure you mention “Retail EWG” and provide your name in the transfer concept.
Arrival in the afternoon
20h – Dinner
21h30 – Welcome speech and introduction of 4 meeting themes
9h-10h – Regular talks 1
- “Understanding the service value of online purchases” by Sara Martins (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, presenter), Beatriz Silva (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto), Fredrik Eng Larsson (Stockholm University), Nicole DeHoratius (Booth School of Business, University of Chicago) and Pedro Amorim (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto)
- “A Model for Integrated Inventory and Assortment Planning” by Sumit Kunnumkal (Indian School of Business) and Victor Martínez-de-Albéniz (IESE Business School, presenter)
10h-11h – Theme 1
- The future of the store – moderated by Jan Fransoo (Kühne Logistics University) and Victor Martínez de Albéniz (IESE Business School)
11h-11h30 – Break
11h30-12h30 – Regular talks 2
- “Franchising and adverse Weather” by Jean-Louis Bertrand (ESSCA School of Management), Miia Chabot (ESSCA School of Management), Xavier BRUSSET (SKEMA Business School, presenter) and Laurent Politis
- “Retail Facility Location using Public Data” by Kalyan T. Talluri (Imperial College, presenter) and Muge Tekin (Imperial College)
12h30-13h15 – Poster session
- “Comparing preferences for e-grocery logistics services between urban and rural customers” by Martin Waitz (Vienna University of Economics and Business, presenter) and Christian Fikar (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
- “The impact of country characteristics on consumers’ cross-border online shopping behavior in Europe: An empirical study” by Zohreh Khooban (Eindhoven University of Technology, presenter), Nevin Mutlu (Eindhoven University of Technology), Sarah Gelper (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Ton de Kok (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- “A pick-by-line simulation under just-in-time operation in a retail distribution centre towards in-house logistics 4.0” by Fábio Coelho (CEG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon), Susana Relvas (CEG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, presenter) and Ana P. Barbosa-Póvoa (CEG-IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon)
- “On Shipping Subscription Models for Online Grocery Retail” by Catarina Pinto (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, presenter), Laura Wagner (Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics) and Pedro Amorim (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto)
- “A mixed-integer linear programming approach for problem classification and solution method selection for perishable inventory management in retail” by Stefan Minner (Technical University of Munich) and René Haijema (Wageningen University)
- “Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Price Promotion Demand Forecasting” by Jannik Wolters (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, presenter), Arnd Huchzermeier (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management) and Michael Schmaelzle (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management)
- “The value of expiration date visibility when controlling perishable inventories” by Rob Broekmeulen (Eindhoven University of Technology, presenter) and Karel van Donselaar (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- “Inventory control of perishable products under lead-time uncertainty and service level constraints” by Sandra Transchel (Kühne Logistics University, presenter), Ole Hansen (Kühne Logistics University) and Hanno Friedrich (Kühne Logistics University)
- “The implications of the return policy on the level of product returns: An experiment” by Christoph Baldauf (Stockholm Business School, presenter) and Stefan Karlsson (Lund University)
13h15-13h45 – Walk to restaurant
13h45-15h15 – Lunch outside
15h15-15h30 – Return to hotel
15h30-16h30 – Regular talks 3
- “Omni-channel Grocery Retailing: An Approach for Multi-Depot Order Fulfillment” by Alexander Hübner (Technical University of Munich), Christian Dethlefs (Technical University of Munich), Manuel Ostermeier (Technical University of Munich, presenter)
- “Building a Winning Omnichannel Strategy: Overcoming Managers’ Biased Perceptions of What Consumers Prefer” by Santiago Gallino (The Wharton School), Antonio Moreno (Harvard Business School) and Robert P. Rooderkerk (Rotterdam School of Management, presenter)
16h30-17h30 – Theme 2
- Omnichannel – moderated by Alexander Hübner (Technical University of Munich) and Robert P. Rooderkerk (Rotterdam School of Management)
17h30-18h30 – Keynote speaker: José Luis Luis (Camper, CCO)
18h30-20h – Free time
20h – Dinner
9h-10h – Regular talks 4
- “Maximizing the Potential of Targeted Marketing: A General Framework for Customized Category Promotions in Retail” by Bernhard von Mutius (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, presenter) and Arnd Huchzermeier (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management)
- “An Attribute-based Product Recommendation System” by A. Gürhan Kök (Koç University) and Alireza Kabir Mamdouh (Koç University, presenter)
10h-11h – Theme 3
- Analytics – moderated by Pedro Amorim INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto) and Stefan Minner (Technical University of Munich)
11h-11h30 – Break
11h30-12h30 – Regular talks 5
- “Optimal Display and Ordering Policy for Perishable Products” by Dorothee Honhon (University of Texas at Dallas, presenter), Zumbul Atan (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Amy Xiajun Pan (University of Florida)
- “Inventory decisions for vertically differentiated products under stock-out-based substitution” by Marjolein Buisman (Wageningen University, presenter), Sandra Transchel (Kühne Logistics University) and René Haijema (Wageningen University)
12h30-13h30 – Theme 4
- Waste – moderated by Dorothee Honhon (University of Texas at Dallas) and Rob Broekmeulen (Eindhoven University of Technology)
13h30-15h – Lunch
(optional) 15h-19h – Time to set up research collaborations
Contact information
Victor Martínez de Albeniz
IESE Business School
Avenida Pearson, 21
08034 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 93 253 42 00