Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop.
IESE Madrid · May 18-19, 2023
We are pleased to announce the 2023 Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop.
The workshop will take place on May 18-19, 2023 at IESE Business School, Madrid Campus. Following recent years’ successful format, we will have three keynote speakers from abroad and select other papers submitted by local researchers. We are looking forward to the keynotes by Mabel Abraham (Columbia Business School), Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and Nathan Wilmers (MIT Sloan).
For those of you new to the meeting, the Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop brings together scholars doing research in strategic human capital, industrial relations, organizational behavior, personnel economics, and related fields. The workshop is an informal forum to discuss research in progress and foster collaboration among researchers. It is an excellent setting to receive feedback for ongoing projects, as the publications that have followed presentation attest to.
The workshop takes place annually and it is co-organized in turns by Carlos III University, IESE Business School, and IE Business School. This year the workshop will take place at IESE Business School on May 18th and 19th 2023 (starting midday on Thursday May 18th and ending early afternoon on Friday the 19th). There is no registration fee.
We hope to see you at the workshop! Please share this link with anyone that you think could be interested in participating.
Keynote Speakers.
Organizing Committee.
Organizing Committee.

Marta Elvira
IESE Business School

Rocío Bonet
IE Business School

Eduardo Melero
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Jaime Ortega
Universidad Carlos III Madrid
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Registration and welcome cocktail (Dining room, Master Building)
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Keynote speech
- Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) – “My Co-Workers, My Pay and My Inequality Regime: A Relational Inequality Model”
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Paper session – Pay and mobility within organizations
- Paper 1: Tracy Anderson (Bocconi University) – “Shaping the work, rather than making the place: The role of collaborators in the retention of knowledge workers”
- Paper 2: Xuege (Cathy) Lu (University of Minnesota), Halil Sabanci (Frankfurt School), and Elizabeth Mcclean (Cornell University) – “Exploring the Differences in Gender-based Evaluations by Intermediaries versus Hiring Firms”
- Paper 3: Monika Hamori (IE) and Zhaoyi Yan (IE University) – “A pay raise, with a downward adjustment of the bonus: The unintended effects of interventions to close the gender pay gap”
- Paper 4: Jaime Ortega (Carlos III University) – “Promotion Decisions under Formal Compensation Rules”
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Coffee break
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm: Parallel roundtable sessions
9:30 am – 10:30 am: Keynote speech
- Mabel Abraham (Columbia Business School) – “Gender-Based Double Standards in Triggering High-Status Benefits: How Educational Status Shapes the Gender Pay Gap”
10:30 am – 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 am – 12:15 pm Parallel roundtable sessions
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm: Keynote speech
- Nathan Wilmers (MIT Sloan School of Management) – “The End of Inequality? Effects of Work Reorganization Amid Resurgent Worker Power”
1:30 – 3:00 pm: Lunch break (garden; weather allowing)
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Paper session – Strategic human capital
- Paper 1. Federica De Stefano (HEC Paris), Roxana Barbulescu (HEC Paris) and Shinjinee Chattopadhyay (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). “Internal mobility, investments in training, and firm performance”
- Paper 2. Thomaz Teodorovicz (Copenhagen Business School), Anita McGahan (University of Toronto), Sérgio Lazzarini (Ivey Business School), and Sandro Cabral (Insper Institute of Education and Research). “Investing in General Human Capital as a Relational Strategy: Evidence from arrangements with Contract Workers”
- Paper 3. Ryan Stice-Lusvardi (Stanford University) and Kurt Sandholtz (Brigham Young University) . “How inter-institutional forces affect career trajectories” Paper 4. Jesús García-Romanos (Carlos III University), Ester Martínez-Ros (Carlos III University) and Eduardo Melero (Carlos III University). “Corporate digitalization and employee mass layoffs: The Choice between replacing and reskilling””
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Workshop highlights and wrap up
- Careers in Self-Managing Organizations: Who Gets Ahead When Personnel Management is Decentralized
Aino Tenhiälä (IE University), Rocio Bonet (IE University), Niina Nurmi (Aalto University), & Ivana Radivojevic (IE University) - The flattening degree of organizations: Theories and its empirical evaluation
Pedro Ortín-Ángel (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Marco A. Barrenechea-Méndez (Universidad Pública de Navarra), and Alberto Bayo-Moriones (Universidad Pública de Navarra) - Impact of Organizational Change on Sustainable Career Development
Madeleine Haenggli (Carlos III University & University of Bern), Ramón Rico (Carlos III University), and Sjir Uitdewilligen (Maastricht University) - Let’s move together: Agency, networks and multiple paths to comobility
Agnieszka Urszula Nowinska (Aalborg University), Marta Dowejko (Hong Kong Baptist University), and Minna Paunova (Copenhagen Business School)
- Hypocritical or legitimate: an audience-based perspective on firms’ CSR engagement and stakeholders’ disapproval in stigmatized contexts
Mohamad Sadri (ESSEC Business School) and Caterina Moschieri (IE University) - Stigma as a driver of support: The success of polarizing crowdfunding campaigns
Ludovica Castiglia (IESE Business School) and Fabrizio Ferraro (IESE Business School) - Images of the Past or Lived Experiences? Sequential versus Parallel Exposure to Organizational Blueprints and Entrepreneurial Entry
Olga Ivanova (USI Lugano) and Filippo Carlo Wezel (USI Lugano) - Social Identity in Stigmatized Markets: The Independence Conflict in Catalonia, 2016-2022
Alicia Barroso (Carlos III University) and Moriyon Reis (Carlos III University) - The More, The Merrier: Category Spanning and Cultural Products’ Performance in China’s Film Market, 2001-2022
Ying Li (Carlos III University)
Directions to the IESE Madrid campus.
IESE’s campus in Madrid is 25 minutes away both from the city center and the airport (Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez). The Madrid campus covers 33,600 square meters and is located in Pinar del Cerro del Águila which is within the vicinity of the Casa de Campo, the main green lung of the city.
You can find more information about the IESE Madrid campus, including how to get there, here.
The following hotels offer exclusive rates for conference attendees. Reservations can be made directly with the hotel.
Exe Zarzuela Park ***
Calle de Darío Aparicio, 32, 28023 Madrid
Tel.: +34 912 11 49 00
AC Hotel by Marriott Aravaca ****
Camino de la Zarzuela, 3, 28023 Madrid
Tel: +34 917 40 06 80
Meliá Madrid Princesa *****
Calle de la Princesa, 27, 28008 Madrid
Tel.: +34 911 98 93 87
Exe Moncloa ****
Calle Arcipreste de Hita, 10, 28015 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 745 92 99
NH Madrid Chamberí ***
Calle de Bretón de los Herreros, 29, 28003 Madrid
Tel: +34 916 00 81 46