CELSA Chair of Competitiveness in Manufacturing
Chair: Eduard Calvo
The CELSA Chair of Competitiveness in Manufacturing is dedicated to researching, generating ideas and spreading knowledge about competitiveness in the industrial sector. The results of this research serve to inspire and train business leaders and managers to fulfill their responsibilities to their companies and society.
- Promote interest in manufacturing industries
- Publicize in the media the role of industry in national economies
- Foster good industrial practices through the creation of an annual award: the Industrial Excellence Award
- Collaborate with other international centers in the generation of ideas and dissemination of knowledge about manufacturing
- Develop teaching materials for Executive Education courses
- Organize national and international seminars
Eduard Calvo holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in telecommunications engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. His research focuses on network optimization, operational risk management and operational complexity, and has been published in top academic journals such as Management Science, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and IEEE Transactions on Communications.
Edited books
Edited books
CARRANZA, O., SABRIÀ, F., ET AL. (2004). Logística. Mejores prácticas en Latinoamérica. Madrid: Thomson.
SABRIÀ, F. (2004). La cadena de suministro. Modelos y herramientas de planificación y optimización de la cadena de suministro.
CALVO, E., GIRBAL, A. (2013). Bunge Ibérica: unas plantas con billete de ida y vuelta. IESE, P-1128.
CALVO, E., GIRBAL, A. (2013). Bunge Ibérica: The Plants that Came Back. IESE, P-1128-E.
Journal Articles (refereed)
Journal Articles (refereed)
WAGNER, L., CALVO, E., AMORIM, P. (2023). Better Together! The Consumer Implications of Delivery Consolidation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25 (3), 903-920. doi:10.1287/msom.2023.1200.
CALVO, E., CUI, R., WAGNER, L. (2023). Disclosing product availability in online retail. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25 (2), 427 - 447. doi:10.1287/msom.2020.0882.
AMORIM, P., CALVO, E., WAGNER, L. (2023). How e-commerce companies can reduce returns. MIT Sloan Management Review, 64 (3), 15-17.
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
Non-refereed articles
Non-refereed articles
CALVO, E., CUI, R., WAGNER, L. (2020). "¡Date prisa! ¡Solo quedan tres!". IESE Business School Insight (155), pp. 56 - 61.
CALVO, E., CUI, R., WAGNER, L. (2020). Hurry! Only 3 left in stock! When scarcity signals are most powerful. IESE Business School Insight (155), pp. 56 - 61.
CALVO, E. (2016). Mobile Payments: A Framework for Success. The Keys to a Killer App. IESE Insight (31), pp. 56 - 63.
ZAMORA, J., VALOR SABATIER, J., CALVO, E., ISAAC SASTRE BOQUET (2023). Artificial Intelligence at Arriaga Asociados: Paralegal or partner. IESE, OIT-23-E.
ZAMORA, J., VALOR SABATIER, J., CALVO, E., ISAAC SASTRE BOQUET (2023). La Inteligencia Artificial en Arriaga Asociados: ¿Una paralegal o socia del despacho? IESE, OIT-23.
SERRANO, A., CALVO, E. (2020). Fiore di Zucca. IESE, P-1183-E.
Outputs in other media
Outputs in other media
CALVO, E. (2016). Tres claves para la competitividad en el sector industrial. América Economía.
CALVO, E. (2016). Tres claves de la competitividad. Toda economía próspera tiene una base industrial fuerte. ¿Qué tipo de operaciones y estrategias la hacen competitiva? IESE Insight.
CALVO, E. (2016). 3 Keys to Competitiveness. A healthy economy needs a strong, relevant industrial base. What are the operations and strategies to get there? IESE Insight.