European Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Faculty Workshop
May 30-31, 2019, IESE Business School, Barcelona
This workshop brings together top scholars from European institutions whose research focuses on strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation. It provides a venue to present work in development and receive feedback from leading scholars in the field, including several members of editorial boards of journals such as AMJ, Management Science, Organization Science, SMJ, SEJ, Research Policy and ICC, among others. Several papers presented in the past workshops have later been published in those outlets.
The European SEI Consortium is an initiative of faculty from various leading European business schools and universities, including HEC Paris, Bocconi University, Copenhagen Business School, Imperial College Business School, London Business School and ETH Zürich. Previous SEI events have also been held at Católica Lisbon, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, ESMT, Frankfurt School of Management and Finance, IE Business School, SKEMA Business School, TUM School of Management, and University of Bath.
19:00 – Welcome at IESE Business School
20:30 – Dinner
08:30 – Registration
09:00 – Paper presentations
• Scott B. Guernsey (University of Cambridge)
Keeping Secrets from Creditors: The Uniform Trade Secrets Act and Financial Leverage (with Lubo Litov and Kose John)
• Marc Lerchenmueller (University of Mannheim)
Does more money lead to more innovation? Evidence from the life sciences
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Paper presentations
• Raffaele Conti (Catolica Lisbon)
Entrepreneurship and Wage Inequality: Evidence of the Matthew Effect from the Portuguese Microdata (with Francesco Castellaneta and Olenka Kacperczyk)
• George Chondrakis (ESADE Business School)
Plural sourcing and returns to intra-firm coordination (with Eduardo Melero and Mari Sako)
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Paper presentations
• Colleen Cunningham (London Business School)
Experimenting strategically: inter-firm relationships and “in the field” innovation (with Aldona Kapacinskaite)
• Marco Giarratana (IE Business School)
Multiproduct Firms and Resource Redeployment: Transaction Costs in Shelf-dominated Sectors (with Juan Santalo)
15:00 – Closing
Dates and Venue
May 30 and 31, 2019
IESE Barcelona
North Campus
C/Arnús i Garí, 3-7
08034 Barcelona
Tel.:+34 93 253 4200