Firms, Employees & Labor Market Inequality in Comparative Perspective
IESE Madrid · June 20, 2024
8:45-9:15 Registration
9:15 – 10:45 Session 1
Opening and Welcome.
Marta Elvira, IESE Business School
Within-job Gender Pay Inequality in 15 Countries.
Andrew Penner, University of California, Irvine
The Impact of Startup Employment on Individuals’ Wages.
Florence Honore, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Facilitator: David Wehrheim, IESE Business school
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00 Session 2
Relational Inequalities.
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachussetts Amherst
Monopsony and Automation.
Sampsa Samila, IESE Business School
Egalitarian Workplaces: Organizational Patterns of Gender Wage Inequality in High-Income Countries.
Eunmi Mun, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Facilitator: Jaime Ortega, Carlos III University of Madrid
13:00 – 14:15 Lunch
14:15 – 15:45 Session 3
The Effect of Job Security on Inventor Behavior.
Eduardo Melero, Carlos III University of Madrid
Pushing Back Against Private Practice: The Unintended Effects of Paying Public Doctors More.
Núria Mas, IESE Business School
Financialization more than globalization! The contribution of global cities to inequality.
Olivier Godechot, Sciences Po, CRIS-CNRS and AxPo
Facilitator: Marta Elvira, IESE Business School
15:45 – 16:00 Closing
The following hotels offer exclusive rates for conference attendees. Reservations can be made directly with the hotel.
Exe Zarzuela Park ***
Calle de Darío Aparicio, 32, 28023 Madrid
Tel.: +34 912 11 49 00
Hotel Princesa Plaza ****
Calle Princesa, 40, 2808 Madrid
Tel: +34 915 42 21 00
NH Collection Madrid Abascal ****
Calle José Abascal, 47, 28008 Madrid
Tel.: +34 916 00 81 46
Exe Moncloa ****
Calle Arcipreste de Hita, 10, 28015 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 745 92 99
NH Zurbano ****
Calle Zurbano, 79-81, 28003 Madrid
Tel: +34 914 41 45 00