The Green Deal
A wake-up call for economic recovery after the crisis
How green stimulus may be the key to cranking up economic recovery after the crisis.
Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President for the European Green Deal, sees the Deal as a huge opportunity to invest in Europe’s recovery.
Five things you can do now to step up your commitment to the Green Deal.
“Caring for the planet is a fantastic business”
Enrique Silla, CEO of Jeanologia, proves that being sustainable doesn’t have to cost more and warns that whoever doesn’t incorporate the environment into their business will be out of the market in five years.
Fabrizio Ferraro, head of the Strategic Management Department at IESE, believes we are at the tipping point of a sustainable leadership revolution.
The Big Picture: How to flourish in your career
A career path doesn’t always advance in a linear or upward fashion. Follow these tips to lay the ground for a career that will blossom over time.
Benchwarming or bias? Do coaches in the NBA discriminate based on race?
Recent research suggested that basketball coaches in the NBA were more likely to assign playing time to players of their own race. But Massimo Maoret and Gokhan Ertug found that the bias evaporated when a common strategy called “resting the starters” was factored in.
How to imprint innovation in your company from day one
Attention founders: you have a window of opportunity in which to create an innovative approach to business models that will define your firm going forward.
Yes, layoffs are bad for your brand
While many companies are considering or already implementing mass layoffs as a result of the current global economic crisis, research finds the negative impact on a brand can be serious. Time to check in with the marketing department.
Margarita Oliva reflects on her 24 years as a lawyer brokering cross-border business transactions across the Americas and how persistence is more necessary than ever in these uncertain times.
In early 2020, IESE and others put out a call to the world’s startup community to come up with actionable, scalable solutions to accelerate socioeconomic recovery in the face of the pandemic. These three winners answered the call.
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve taken from 2020 is the need to build ecosystems that link and shorten supply chains,” says Aggie Konde of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), boosting incomes and food security for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.
Why we need limitless learning when the world knows no limits
The pandemic has changed the way we do business but also the way we learn. Today’s managers need to keep developing and growing, especially in this new environment. What are the capabilities we need now?
Bankable advice: 6 timeless money tips for volatile times like now
What to do with your savings, especially in a market marked by pandemic volatility? IESE’s Javier Estrada goes back to the basics of sound financial planning, along with a few books and other resources that may help.
Rethinking supply chains after COVID-19
By Weiming Zhu and Weiyin Yang
The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in our global supply-chain system. Inspired by Donella H. Meadows’ classic work on system thinking, we proffer three keys to rebuild more sustainable businesses after the crisis.
Having a clear purpose drives performance
In conversation with Claudine Gartenberg
A corporate purpose beyond profit maximization is associated with better firm performance under certain conditions, according to recent research by Wharton professor Claudine Gartenberg.
Mix novelty and familiarity to move from niche to mainstream
By Diego Zunino, Stine Grodal and Fernando F. Suarez
Help your new product to “cross the chasm” and reach the “zone of adoption” with these practical tips.
Head above water: how Paralympic swimmer Teresa Perales turns trials into triumphs
Within five years of losing the use of her legs at age 19, Teresa Perales was competing in the Paralympics, winning 26 medals over the course of her swimming career. Here she shares her secrets for staying afloat, even during a pandemic.
The Green Deal