Head of Financial Management Department
Professor of Financial Management
• Executive Education in Finance CPD, The Wharton School
• Ph.D. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, University of Barcelona
• M.Sc. Economics, University Pompeu Fabra
• B.A. Economics, University Pompeu Fabra
Mireia Giné is a professor and Head of the Financial Management Department at IESE Business School. She has a BA in Economics and Master in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University. She received her doctorate from the University of Barcelona after several years at MIT and the University of Pennsylvania.
Mireia specializes in corporate governance, executive compensation, mergers and acquisitions. Currently, she investigates how common ownership of institutional shareholders impacts the corporate decisions of companies in their portfolio. Her research has been published in the Journal of Finance, Review of Finance, Harvard Business Review among other academic journals, as well as in various media (Financial Times, The Economist, Bloomberg, BBC). She has received several international prizes such as the Brattle Prize and has presented her research at prestigious universities and congresses in finance (WFA, EFA, AFA, NBER, etc.).
Prior to joining IESE, she worked for more than a decade at The Wharton School as director of Research at Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS), a global financial reference platform serving more than 450 academic and financial institutions. Mireia joined the start-up phase and currently she directs the group's international operations.
Areas of interest.
• Corporate governance, Shareholder Activism and M&A
• Executive compensation
• Empirical corporate finance
• Fintech