International Center for Competitiveness (ICC)
Director: Pascual Berrone
Founded in December 2006, the ICC’s (International Center for Competitiveness) mission is to promote scientific knowledge and rigorous learning in the area of competitiveness, with special emphasis on the European Union and increasing globalization.
The ICC is directed by IESE Prof. Pascual Berrone. The center was created in cooperation with the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness (ISC), led by Prof. Michael Porter at Harvard Business School. The ISC has been working for several years with the World Economic Forum in the development of the Global Competitiveness Report, a comprehensive study on the competitiveness of nations.

María Luisa Blázquez
Research Associate
This report analyzes the competitiveness of over 140 countries, using both published data and surveys. Since its first edition in 1979, it has become the most relevant and comprehensive study of its kind. The report contributes to enhancing our understanding of the key ingredients of economic growth and prosperity. By highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of an economy, the Global Competitiveness Report offers policymakers and business leaders an important tool for formulating economic policies and institutional reforms.
As the WEF’s Spanish partner for the production of the report, the IESE works through the International Center for Competitiveness (ICC) to capture the views of leading executives, academics and policymakers on the situation in Spain, which serve as a valuable input for the preparation of the Global Competitiveness Report.
This barometer reports on how foreign companies view the business climate in Spain, identifying both success factors that should be maintained and the main areas for improvement. The study, which is published annually, is intended to serve as a useful tool for understanding the key factors affecting our country’s ability to attract foreign investment, and to identify the levers for change that the public and private sector should act on to maintain and strengthen the foreign presence in Spain.
The study is carried out jointly by ICEX/Invest in Spain, Foreign Multinationals for the Spain Brand, and the IESE’s International Center for Competitiveness (ICC).
The ICC conducts a barometer study in the autonomous community of Andalusia based on the same methodology and structure used for the general barometer for Spain. The barometer reports on the views of foreign companies operating in the autonomous community and identifies strengths, weaknesses, and levers for making the changes needed in the region.
A specific barometer study has been conducted for companies in the telecommunications industry. The study was commissioned by the State Secretariat for Telecommunications and the Information Society (SETSI) and carried out based on the same methodology and structure used for the general barometer for Spain. The report presents the views of foreign companies operating in the Spanish telecommunications sector and identifies strengths, weaknesses, and levers for making the changes needed in the sector.
The ICC, together with the consultancy Europraxis, has prepared a barometer for Spain’s Círculo de Empresarios. This annual report is an initiative of the Círculo de Empresarios, the Círculo de Economía, and the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos. The barometer presents an analysis of the state of the Spanish economy, contributes to defining the process for transforming it, and considers the changes needed to make this transformation a lasting one.