Center for Research in Healthcare Innovation Management (CRHIM)
Directors: Magda Rosenmöller and Jaume Ribera
We research innovation management in the health sector, with a particular focus on health system reforms; patient mobility; risk, operations and quality management; and optimization of the value chain.
- Bring together evidence, know-how and ideas in the healthcare field.
- Provide better and more efficient care.
- Create real value for patients and professionals.
- Foster synergies and the exchange of experiences and knowledge.
- Encourage greater leverage of research-related opportunities.
- Strengthen innovation and technology in healthcare delivery.
Research lines:
- Health Trends & Innovation. State of the art and evolution of healthcare systems.
- The New Role of the Industry. Value-added services and outcome-based business models.
- Patient-Centered Organization. Patient-driven organization and disease management programs.
- Hospital Value Creation. Clinical and operational excellence and support-to-benefits realization.
- Digital Health Solutions. Artificial intelligence, RWE and remote care delivery.
- Effective Market Access. GA & MA strategy, organization, process design and execution.
Research projects.
EIT Health Education Projects
H-ALIGN – Aligning stakeholders’ cooperation for health systems outcomes improvement
Health systems are complex and high-value solutions are not implemented by the stroke of a pen: they require behavioral change in several stakeholders who need to act in alignment. H-align is an EIT Health Education project that aims to train healthcare ecosystem stakeholders to work in alignment with other significant actors in the co-design and implementation of high-value solutions for better system outcomes. HALIGN will consist of a training course module based around a simulation game co-developed with and for healthcare system stakeholders to offer close to reality experiential learning.
Project Leader: IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Team: AQUAS-Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation (Spain) CHUC-Coimbra Hospital and University Center (Portugal) Medtronic Iberia (Spain) ICS–Catalan Health Institute (Spain) Hiris Innovation Technologies (Spain) Spanish Patients Forum (Spain) Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem (Netherlands)
Duration: 2021–2024
EIT Health Innovation Projects
MJN-SERAS – Improving quality of life for people with epilepsy in Europe
The EIT Health Project MJN-SERAS aims to improve the physical and emotional well-being of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, by developing an innovative wearable, discrete and noninvasive device, based on an earpiece, that will alert both the patients and their caregivers 1 to 3 minutes before a seizure occurs. Allowing both the patients themselves and their caregivers to have some time frame to safely prepare the occurrence of the seizure, will not only lead to a reduction of danger accidents during unexpected seizures, but will also lead to an important reduction in the anxiety experienced by the patients and their caregivers.
Project Leader: MJN Neuroserveis (Spain)
Team: Medtronic (Spain); Biocat (Spain); Medical Valley (Germany); Oxford AHSN (United Kingdom); DKV Servicios (Spain); Fundación DKV Integralia (Spain); Projectes Galgot (Spain); IESE-CRHIM; Diakonie Kork Epilepsiezentrum (Germany)
Duration: 2022-2024
BRIGHT – Be RIGHT with Breast Cancer Management
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide with more than 2 million new cases each year. However, the age-based or “one size fits all” breast screening approach does not take into account the individual variation in risk. BRIGHT is an EIT Health funded Innovation project that aims to stratify the risk of women developing breast cancer and provide personalized risk-based screening recommendations for women younger than 50.
Project Leader: Tartu University (Estonia)
Team: Tartu University Hospital (Estonia) Antegenes (Estonia) Uppsala University Hospital (Sweden) Central Hospital Lisbon North (Portugal) Uppsala Regional Council (Sweden) GE Healthcare (Hungary) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: 2021–2024
EIT Health Business Creation
WE Go! Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
The Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp brings together elements of health tech entrepreneurship training through a gender lens to help start-ups take advantage of their diversity and achieve the best possible outcomes. The program funded by EIT Health also helps start-ups to find the reference points to successfully frame their ambition and attract investment. Additionally, the project aims to increase the number of female entrepreneurs and their potential for success.
Project Leader: IESE- CRHIM (Spain)
Team: NUI Galway (Ireland) IPN (Portugal) Imperial College Health Partners (UK)
Duration: January 2021-December 2023
MT Bootcamp – MedTech Bootcamp
The MedTech Bootcamp brings experts and mentors to help early-stage start-ups to develop and refine their projects, business and financial plans. This intensive training helps these start-ups to better understand medical device regulations as well as the market and their competition. The program funded by EIT Health aims to prepare med tech start-ups for the best chance of success in finding investors.
Project Leader: FAU (Germany)
Team: Erlangen University (Germany) IPN (Portugal) Medical Valley (Germany) UnternehemerTUM Gmbh (Germany) DKV Services (Spain) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: January 2021-December 2023
Patient Entrepreneur – Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship
Research shows that patients often innovate to cope with health-related limitations and with the right support can bring these solutions to market. The Patient Innovation Bootcamp is a unique project funded by EIT Health that aims to empower patients, informal care givers and collaborators who are innovators and provide them with expert support to become entrepreneurs.
Project Leader: Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
Team: Biocat (Spain) GLINTT (Portugal) Patient Innovation Association (Denmark) Nova Medical School (Portugal) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: January 2021-December 2023
Other European Union Projects
PsyPal – Psilocybin Therapy for Psychological Distress in Palliative Care Patients
Many individuals with life-limiting conditions face existential problems and distress. Innovative solutions are urgently needed to support individuals to meet their spiritual and emotional needs while receiving palliative care.
PsyPal seeks to explore whether psilocybin therapy (also known as psilocybin-assisted therapy/treatment or psilocybin with psychotherapeutic support) in palliative care settings may help to alleviate experiences of existential distress for individuals with the following life-limiting conditions:
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis/ Motor Neurone Disease (ALS/ MND)
- Atypical Parkinson’s Disease (APD).
Project Leader: University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands)
Team: Human Kind Labs (Sweden), OPEN Foundation (Netherlands), IESE CRHIM (Spain), Uppsala University (Sweden), Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal), Stockholm University (Sweden), National Institute of Mental Health (Czech Republic), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Groningen (Netherlands), European Association of Palliative Care (Belgium), MADOPA (France), Region Hovedstaden (Denmark), European Federation of Neurological Association (Belgium), 29K Foundation (Sweden), Lung Alliance Netherlands (Netherlands), European Psychiatric Association (France), Norrsken Mind (Sweden), CTC Clinical Trial Consultants (Sweden)
Duration: 2024–2027
ArtEmis – Awareness and Resilience Through European Multi-sensor System (Grant Agreement no. 101061712)
Public awareness of environmental risk is key for building resilient societies. ArtEmis will develop a smart sensor system, monitoring radon, temperature, acidity and other observables in groundwater in real time. The ground-breaking sensor design will assure affordability, resilience and low power consumption optimizing life cycle management. The project aims to produce 100-200 sensors that will be deployed in sensitive sites in collaboration with municipalities. Changes in radon concentration have the potential to serve as precursor for earthquakes and volcano eruptions.
Project Leader: KTH (Sweden)
Team: Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (Sweden); Statni Ustav Radiacni Ochrany V.V.I. (Czechia); Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece); Universita Degli Studi Dell’aquila (Italy); Radontec Gmbh (Germany); Gsi Helmholtzzentrum Fur Schwerionenforschung Gmbh (Germany); Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica E Vulcanologia (Italy); IESE-CRHIM (Spain); Periferiaki Enosi Dimon Ionion Nison (Greece); Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (Switzerland); Comune Dell’aquila (Italy); Sorbonne Université (France); Sintec Srl (Italy)
Duration: 2022-2025
MELISSA – Mobile artificial intelligence solution for diabetes adaptive care (Grant Agreement no. 101057730)
The Horizon Europe project MELISSA aims to innovate diabetes treatment and care for people with insulin-treated diabetes through the development of a clinically validated, efficient and cost-effective Artificial Intelligence-based digital diabetes management solution. This will contribute to every person with insulin-treated diabetes receiving tailored treatment and care according to their individual needs, habits and evolution resulting in a better quality of life.
Project Leader: Maastricht University
Team: Nordsjællands University Hospital Hillerød (Denmark), Region Hovedstaden (Denmark); Technical University of Munich – Institute of Ethics In Artificial Intelligence (IEAI) (Germany); EURICE – European Research and Project Office GmbH (Germany); Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (Germany); Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH (Germany); Ethnikon Kai Kapodistriakon-Panepistimion-Athinon (Greece); P. & A. Kyriakou´ Children´s Hospital (Greece); IESE Business School – Universidad De Navarra (Spain); Debiotech S.A. (Switzerland); UBERN – Universitaet Bern (Switzerland); JDRF International (United States)
Duration: 2022-2025
ARISE – Nutrint – Reducing nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases in adolescence and youth: interventions and policies to boost nutrition fluency and diet quality in Africa (Grant agreement no. 101095616)
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a major public health problem, resulting in over 70% of global deaths each year; the majority (85%) of deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries. While cost-effective, evidence-based best practices are available, implementation of these interventions has remained a critical challenge, particularly ones targeted at promoting health behaviors among adolescents and youth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The Horizon Europe project Nutrint will take a major step towards improving the implementation of evidence-based interventions – nutrition education and SSB policy – that promote healthy behaviors among adolescents and youth in SSA to reduce the impact of NCDs.
Project Leader: Universitatsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany)
Team: Charite – Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (Germany); Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany); Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (Netherlands); Iese-Crhim (Spain); Center For Health, Exercise And Sport Sciences (Serbia); Centre De Recherche En Sante De Nouna (Burkina Faso); Addis Continental Entrepreneurs Plc (Ethiopia); Africa Academy For Public Health (Tanzania); University Of Ibadan Research Foundation (Nigeria); Makerere University (Uganda); University Of Ghana (Ghana); University Of Kwazulu-Natal (South-Africa); Harvard Global Research And Support Services Inc. (United States)
Duration: 2023-2027
The Dragon’s Den (TDD)
The basis for this project is a program called Dragon’s Den, developped by SmiLe Incubator, the main applicant. The program is offered to business advisors in Skåne Sweden focusing on how to support early life science entrepreneurs on how to raise capital, especially venture capital. The program is held in person. However, the challenge that the program adresses, how to attract venture capital, is not limited to Swedish startups but it is shared by the majority of European life science startups. Therefore, the overall objective of this project is to offer a new, jointly developed and jointly run digital program for business advisors and start-ups focusing on how to raise captial, mainly venture capital.
Team: SmiLe Incubator (Sweden), Swedish Council for Higher Education/Universitets (Sweden), IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: 2022-2024
Invest4Health (Grant agreement no. 101095522)
The Horizon Europe Invest4Health project goal aims to incentivize new ways of financing health promotion and disease prevention where the financial benefits to health and other sectors outweigh the initial costs and give a sustainable return on investment. The Invest4Health approach is that it is better to pre-empt rather than repair. The financing solution is smart capacitating investment. Building on capacitation through social investment, this concept was adapted by a High-Level Task Force to be an incentivizing and sustainable financing mechanism to boost investment within and between sectors.
Coordinator: Region Skåne (Sweden)
Team: Region Skåne (Sweden); Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands); SNF Centre for Applied Research at Norwegian School of Economics (Norway); Syreon Research Institute (Hungry); EuroHealthNet ASBL (Belgium); Research Institutes of Sweden AB (Sweden); Norway Health Tech (Norway); Innovation Skåne AB (Sweden); Stichting Health ClusterNET (Netherlands); Hywel Dda University Health Board (United Kingdom); Bangor University (United Kingdom); SINTEF AS (Norway); University of Oxford (United Kingdom); University of Gothenburg (Sweden); University Hospital Heidelberg (Germany); IESE-CRHIM (Spain); Forschungsinstitut für Rationalisierung (Germany); Axencia Galega Para a Xestion do Coñecemento en Saúde (Spain)
Duration: 2022-2025
IMI 2 – Connect for Children (c4c) – Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children (IHI Grant agreement: 777389)
The Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children aims to deliver support for high quality paediatric clinical trials through a coordinated approach in multiple countries, sites and across all paediatric age groups, through a Pan-European clinical network. To achieve its goal, c4c is working with a large set of partners across Europe to create a sustainable infrastructure that optimises the delivery of clinical trials. The c4c project is an Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) funded project and IESE-CRHIM is collaborating on the project to define and build the business strategy and model for the c4c network to ensure its sustainability beyond the IMI funding.
Duration: 2019–2025
Horizon 2020 – Marie Sklodowska – Curie Actions
Innovative Training Networks Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019
PRECODE – PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch Network
PRECODE is an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and innovation-oriented international training network which sets a joint research programme to train a new generation of leading scientists in model systems and methods for the development of new therapies for pancreatic cancer.
Lead: University of Navarra (Spain)
Team: Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) University of Glasgow (UK) Karolinska Institute (Sweden) Leiden University (The Netherlands) Erlangen University (Germany) Verona University (Italy) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: 2019–2022
AMR DetecTool – Antimicrobial Resistance DetecTool
The spread of bacteria resistant to antibiotics is a growing threat to publlic health. It is estimated that 33,000 people die each year as a direct consequence of an infection due to antibiotic resistance. Meanwhile, there is a lack of rapid tests available to identify resistant bacteria in clinical samples. Current tests take between 16 to 30 hours, which delays the prescription of appropriate antibiotic treatment for patients. The AMR DetecTool project is an EIT Health funded Innovation Project that aims to validate and bring to the market a rapid invitro diagnostics device for reducing the time for results from 16 to 30 hours to just 30 minutes.
Project leader: CEA (France)
Team: University of Barcelona (Spain) Semmelweis University (Hungary) APHP (France) IS Global (Spain) NG Biotech (France) Hospital Clinic (Spain) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: 2020–2022
Pharmacy Directors Forum – Novartis Horizon Scanning Edition
An IESE-CRHIM initiative in collaboration with Novartis that focused on the theme of Horizon Scanning. The aim of the project was to generate a debate forum for Pharmacy Directors from around Spain to share and learn from experiences as well as stimulate ideas and propose solutions from an evidence-based perspective.
AGORA – AbbVie Measuring the value of medicines
The AGORA project is an IESE-CRHIM initiative sponsored by AbbVie, which aims to define a model for measurement of the value of medicines. It has been divided into 2 phases:
- Definition of a methodology that allows us to advance in the measurement of value (Common phase for all Regional Health services)
- Identification of the barriers that prevent progress and proposed solutions that help overcome them in the Regional Health Services.
RWE – AMGEN From art to digital data-driven evidence. A case on cardiovascular risk factors
The RWE project is an IESE-CRHIM initiative sponsored by Amgen, with the aim of Defining RWE’s new management model based on digitization. For the first phase, the state of the art of the different databases and registries at the national level that include cardiovascular risk factors has been analyzed.
SUMAR – AbbVie Adding different visions to define a global concept of remission in rheumatoid arthritis
The SUMAR project is an IESE-CRHIM initiative sponsored by AbbVie, with the participation of patients, clinicians, decision-makers and payers, to establish a single framework for action that takes into account the needs and vision of patients and contributes to improving remission and the management and approach to rheumatoid arthritis.
VIDA project – AbbVie Living with Atopic Dermatitis
An IESE-CRHIM collaboration with AbbVie endorsed by the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), the Spanish Society of Health Directors (SEDISA) and the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH). The aim of the project is to identify opportunities for improvement in the management of patients with severe AD from the perspective of healthcare professionals and patients.
VALORA – MSD Value-based management model
The project is an IESE-CRHIM collaboration with MSD focused on defining a management framework through the standardization of indicators, that facilitates decision –making based on VALUE, in a variety of health fields including lung, head and neck cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and potential solid organ transplant recipients (kidney) and hematopoietic.
PREDIRA – PRediction mEdical Device for rheumatoid arthritis. 2019–2021
Project leader: Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
Team: SERMAS (Spain) Sinnovial (France) IESE-CHRIM (Spain)
For millions of people all over the world rheumatoid arthritis has a profound impact on the quality of their lives. PREDIRA is an EIT Health funded Innovation project that aims to validate an innovative approach to predict the effectiveness of biotherapy treatments (DMARDS) and rank them in their degree of efficiency. The project will provide new insights aiming to accurately predict patient response to treatment.
Innovation Fellowships – Starship / ELEVATE. 2017–2021
The EIT Health Fellowship Network – Starship/Elevate is an educational initiative delivered in collaboration with leading European academic and health industrial partners. The project uses the Biodesign methodology to educate Europe’s top talent in leading the development of the next generation of health innovations. It is a unique opportunity for young innovators to be involved in needs-driven life science innovation, working with other innovators in highly skilled multidisciplinary teams.
Team: Karolinska Institute (Sweden) Oxford University (UK) IPN (Portugal) Hospital San Joan de Deu (Spain) RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Sweden) Coimbra University (Portugal) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
The Professional and Executive Education Activity Line. 2018–2021
The EIT Health Training for Professionals & Executives aims to increase the number of skilled health professionals and leading executives in healthcare. It focuses on improving the services they provide to patients and citizens, and contributes to developing, managing and adopting health innovations in their everyday work.
Project Leader: IESE-CHRIM (Spain)
Team: EIT Health Central Office (Germany)
Innovation Days. January 2021–December 2021
This EIT Health Education project consists of one-day events delivered at 19 sites in 7 different countries where students participate in diverse activities designed to foster a new generation of leaders in health innovation. Participants receive an introduction to practical health innovation tools and work in multidisciplinary teams.
Project Leader: Imperial College London (UK)
Team: University of Barcelona (Spain) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Health at the Centre of Society. Ideas for pending debate. 2020-2021
This project collected a total of 68 proposals for the Spanish health system to respond more equitably, effectively, and efficiently to the triple challenge of (1) adjusting to the new needs and expectations of citizens, (2) optimizing health outcomes along the entire value chain of the care/care process and (3) doing so by optimizing the use of resources, thus ensuring the sustainability and alignment of the model with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda
Team: VIFOR Pharma (Spain) IESE-CRHIM
IESE Insight – La salud en el centro de nuestra sociedad
Telemedicine and Innovation in Diabetes. 2021
Analysis to promote the implementation and extension of telemedicine after the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to diabetes, specifically, for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)
The study identified the 10 most relevant barriers for telemedicine and defined 15 prioritized proposals based on impact, ease of implementation and time horizon.
Team: Abbott (Spain) IESE-CRHIM
IESE Insight – Telemedicina e innovación en diabetes
EIT Health Education Projects
WE Health RIS – Empowering Women Entrepreneurship in Health RIS
The goal of the EIT Health Education project WE Health RIS is to enhance the participation of women in health innovation and entrepreneurship activities. The project achieves this by empowering women through capacity-building tailored to their needs and by inspiring and supporting them to advance in their professional careers.
Project Leader: EIT Health InnoStars (Hungary)
Team: EIT Health InnoStars (Hungary) IESE-CRHIM (Spain)
Duration: 2021–2022
EIT Health Campus Projects
WE Health – Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Health Innovation. 2017-2020
An EIT Health Campus project to enhance the participation of women in health innovation and entrepreneurship by providing capacity building specifically tailored to their needs. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with Karolinska Institute (Sweden) TUM (Germany) University of Barcelona (Spain) Grenoble Ecole de Management (France) NUI-Galway (Ireland) and Oxford University Hospitals (UK).
PREDIGIT – Prescribing Digital Health Interventions. 2020
An EIT Health Campus project to prepare healthcare professionals to prescribe and commission the right digital therapeutics for patients. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with Royal College of GPs (UK) Hospital San Joan de Deu (Spain) Smarter Futures (Spain) UGA (France) and Oxford University (UK).
GENiE / EITHiEN – EIT Health Innovation Educators Network. 2016-2019
An EIT Health Campus project to create a community among EIT Health innovation educators to foster the exchange of experience, knowledge and tools and provide coaching and mentoring activities. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with Imperial College (UK) CBS (Denmark) Lodz University (Poland) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden).
SOFHIM – Foster Social Funds for Health Impact. 2018-2019
An EIT Health Campus project to build and empower public-private partnerships to implement outcome-based healthcare financed by social impact capital. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with RISE (Sweden) Semmelweis University (Hungary) Oxford University (UK) and Smarter Futures (Spain).
SEPGHIM – Senior Executive Programme in Global Health Innovation Management. 2018-2020
An EIT Health Campus project to provide a training program to enhance the innovation capacity of global health innovators by providing capacity building tailored to their needs. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with IS Global (Spain) University of Barcelona (Spain) Heidelberg University (Germany) INCAE (Costa Rica) and Strathmore Business School (Kenya).
FHME – The Future Health Care Manager in Europe. 2017-2018
An EIT Health Campus project to prepare health leaders and managers by training the faculty and fostering the adoption of future managerial competencies. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with Karolinska Institute (Sweden) UGA (France) and Ghent University (The Netherlands).
MedTech E Lab – MedTech Entrepreneurship Lab. 2018-2020
An EIT Health funded Campus project to work with multi-disciplinary teams of learners to solve practical problems in medical technology and digital health. Partnered by FAU Erlangen (Germany) Siemens Healthcare (Germany) Medical Valley (Germany) and IESE-CRHIM.
L-ead – Leveraging e-health workforce by advanced skills. 2019-2020
An EIT Health Summer School to focus on strengthening digital skills through innovative teaching methodologies. Partnered by Semmelweis University (Hungary) E-Group (Hungary) and IESE-CRHIM.
CRISH – Co-creating Innovative Solutions for Health. 2017-2019
An EIT Health Campus project to implement a “train the trainers” program to disseminate the necessary methodologies to co-create citizen centred innovative health solutions. Partnered by the University of Barcelona (Spain) UGA (France) Imperial College (UK) AQuAS (Spain) Heidelberg University (Germany) Uppsala Regional Council (Sweden) Lodz University (Poland) and IESE-CRHIM.
HARD SKILLS – Top notch life science innovations training for executives and professionals. 2019–2020
An EIT Health Campus practical training tool to obtain knowledge and guidance in specific hard skills necessary for young entrepreneurs and scientists to drive innovation. Partnered by Celon Pharma (Poland) University of Évora (Portugal) Lodz University (Poland) and IESE-CRHIM.
Smart Teacher – Train the trainer to tackle challenges in the future of health and raw materials innovations. 2017
An EIT Cross-KIC programme to foster a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem in the areas of raw materials and health. Partnered by Medical University Lodz (Poland) and IESE-CRHIM.
EIT Health Innovation Projects
MARNIE – Merging Augmented Reality and Neurostimulation to Improve Enacting. 2019-2020
An EIT Health Innovation project to introduce a new therapy for visuo-motor rehabilitation for stroke patients based on non- invasive neuro-stimulation and virtual reality. Partnered by Foundation Aisle des Aveugles (Switzerland) RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and IESE-CRHIM.
SeizeIT – Discrete Personalised Epileptic Detection Device. 2019-2020
An unobtrusive, wearable solution for objective seizure logging in everyday life conditions and optimizing standard of care. An EIT Health Innovation project partnered by Karolinska Institute (Sweden) RWTH Aachen University (Germany) KU Leuven (Belgium) CHUC (Portugal) and IESE-CRHIM.
BL-DetecTool – A tool for fast, simple, affordable and direct detection of beta- lactamases in clinical samples. 2018-2019
Faster detection of AMR bacteria will mean that the patients who need special treatment will be identified earlier. An EIT Health Innovation project partnered by CEA (France) University of Barcelona (Spain) Semmelweis University (Hungary) APHP (France) IS Global (Spain) NG Biotech (France) Hospital Clinic (Spain) and IESE-CRHIM.
CLOSE – Automated Glucose Control at Home for People with Chronic Disease. 2018 -2019
An EIT Health Innovation project to improve the care and quality of life for patients with Type 2 diabetes by enhancing the Artificial Pancreas with related product and service packages. Partnered by Profil (Germany) KU Leuven (Belgium) Lodz Medical School (Poland) Sanofi (France) and IESE-CRHIM.
PRE-D Health Movement – The Health Movement for Patient Empowerment. 2017-2018
An EIT Health Innovation project to prevent chronic diseases from emerging and to promote healthy lifestyles. Partnered by RISE Research Institute (Sweden) Karolinska Institute (Sweden) University Hospitals of Birmingham (UK) AQUaS (Spain) Semmelweis University (Hungary) Stockholm Region (Sweden) and IESE-CRHIM.
CHRONOS – Innovative device for the evaluation of the “motor functional age”. 2018
An EIT Health Innovation project to provide a precise quantitative measuring device to detect and help prevent motor decline. Partnered by Sorbonne University (France) APHP (France) UPMC (France) e-Seniors (France) Abbot Laboratories (Spain) and IESE-CRHIM.
Sport 4 Health – Sport as a treatment in chronic diseases and healthcare sustainability. 2017
An EIT Health Innovation project to fill the gap between the medical domain and sport practice by connecting sports associations, healthcare professionals and patients. Partnered by Viseo (France) UGA (France) Hospital Clinic (Spain) Phillips (The Netherlands) University of Barcelona (Spain) and IESE-CRHIM.
WARMUAPP – Assess Monitor and Adjust your Wellness Program. 2016
An EIT Health Innovation project to provide a solution for companies implementing wellness programs in the workplace. Partnered by Sanofi-Aventis (France) Oxford University (UK) CGI – France (France) BePatient (Poland) and IESE-CRHIM.
PATIENT MINER – Patient Miner. 2016
An EIT Health Innovation project to adapt existing IT systems for mapping pathways of disease progression in patients with multi-morbid chronic conditions to support development of prediction models and early intervention strategies. Partnered by UGA (France) Hospital Clinic (Spain) Visio (France) and IESE-CRHIM.
EIT Health Accelerator Projects
Health Venture Lab – Health Venture Lab Bootcamp. 2019
An EIT Health Accelerator program to support start-ups in developing and commercializing business-related ideas. Partnered by GE Healthcare (Hungary) Semmelweis University (Hungary) Lodz Medical University (Poland) and IESE-CRHIM.
European Union Franework Program Research Projects
Project Integrate – Benchmarking Integrated Care for Better Management of Chronic and Age-related Conditions in Europe. 2012-2016
This project was funded by the European Union’s Framework program. It focussed on best practices of integrated care based on real case studies that have a proven impact in terms of positive patient care experiences, care outcomes and cost-effectiveness.
Project Leader: IESE-CRHIM
Team: Hospital Clinic (Spain) Karolinska Institute (Sweden) Tilburg University (Germany) University of Tartu (Estonia)
ALFRED – Personal interactive assistant for independent living and active ageing. 2013-2016
A European Union Framework-funded project to provide an integrated service to older citizens to allow them to live longer in their own homes with the possibility of acting independently.
Project Leader: Ascora GmbH (Germany)
Team: TU Darmstadt (Germany) ATOS (Spain) National Ouderen Fonds (the Netherlands) TIE Nederland (The Netherlands) IESE-CRHIM
SDH – Net – Building sustainable research capacity for health and its social determinants in low- and middle-income countries. 2011-2015
Funded as part of the European Union’s Framework program the project built, strengthened and linked research capacities for health and its social determinants in African and Latin American low- and middle-income countries in close collaboration with European partners.
Project Leader: GIZ (Germany)
Team: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) University of Geneva (Switzerland) COHRED (Switzerland) IESE-CRHIM
AdHopHTA – Adopting Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment in the EU. 2012-2015
A European Union Framework-funded project to strengthen the use and impact of quality Health Technology Assessments (HTA) results in hospital settings. Aimed at creating an adequate ecosystem where formal coordination among existing hospital based HTA initiatives and liaison with national and regional agencies will flourish.
Project Leader: Foundation Clinic Barcelona (Spain)
Team: Hospital District of Helsinki & Uussimaa (Finland) Sacred Heart Catholic University (Italy) CHUV (France) IESE-CRHIM
Europe for Patients Project – Patient Mobility Benefits and Challenges for European Patients. 2004-2010
A European Union Framework-funded project to study the benefits and challenges of patient mobility in Europe with the objective of providing the evidence needed to maximize the benefits that can be achieved with enhanced patient mobility in Europe.
Project Leader: IESE-CRHIM
Team: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) European Social Observatory (Belgium) Ghent University (Belgium) Centre for Cross-Border Studies (Ireland) Institute of Public Health (Slovenia)
European Commission Initiatives
EIP AHA – European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. 2012-2019
The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) was a European Union funded initiative to address major societal challenges. It sought to foster EU citizens’ healthy, active and independent living and improve the sustainability and efficiency of social and health care systems.
IESE-CRHIM role: Coordination of the B3 Working Group on Best Practice in Integrated Care.
Other European Union Projects
Novo Nordisk Chair
SORTECH – Upgrade of the emergency department of a hospital in Poland. 2020-2021
The constant change and release of new technologies is the motivation to keep the healthcare institutions updated in order to provide better quality of care, increasing efficiency and reducing cost. The project aims to provide information about current solutions in the market and how they would change a real-life emergency department of a hospital in Poland with the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology innovations.
Team: CSK Hospital (Poland) IESE-CRHIM
Corporate Projects
Humanization in healthcare digital transformation (2022)
Analysis related to how a hot topic as humanization is considered in the digital transformation that healthcare is ongoing. The analysis will focus on telehealth and other areas where technology could be considered a barrier for the patient-HCP relationship.
Team: VIFOR Pharma (Spain) IESE-CRHIM
National Dissemination Event of the Ágora Farma Project
Ágora Farma is a project by IESE, sponsored by AbbVie, aiming to define a methodology to improve the continuous measurement of the value of medications in Regional Health Services. It identifies challenges and barriers that hinder progress in value measurement and proposes solutions to advance in this area. The event aims to present the results of the Ágora project and foster a debate among various participants to advance the continuous evaluation of medications in the medium and long term.
The Final Report of the Project will be available at the end of the year.
The event began with a welcome and presentation by Jordi Cohen from IESE and María Costi from AbbVie. Following this, César Hernández, Director General of the Basic Portfolio of the SNS, provided an institutional opening on the continuous evaluation of the value of medications. Then, Jordi Cohen and Carlos Crespo, CEO of Axentiva, presented the results of the Ágora project.
The first round table, moderated by Ana Clopés from Catsalut, addressed the challenges and opportunities in measuring the value of medications, with experts such as César Hernández, Mª José Calvo, and Flora Pérez participating. The second round table, moderated by Sonia García San José, discussed the future of this measurement, with speakers such as César Pascual, Antonio López, Carlos Crespo Diz, Carina Escobar, and Anna López.
Watch on youtube (in Spanish)
How to improve social protection for people with neurodegenerative diseases
Conference on social protection for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and their family environment in which the results of the project impulsEMos of BIOGEN were presented in collaboration with Esclerosis Múltiple España (EME), the Platform of Patients’ Organizations (POP), with the social endorsement of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) and carried out by the research center for innovation in health management (CRHIM) of the IESE Business School.
The project aims to highlight the impact of the lack of social protection for people with multiple sclerosis and their families, and to raise awareness of the loss of opportunity it represents. To this end, the intangible costs borne by these people have been calculated and 24 proposals have been defined to improve their social protection.
Participating in the presentation of the proposals were Pedro Carrascal, director of the Platform of Patients’ Organizations (POP), Gabriela Hidalgo, project director of the Spanish Multiple Sclerosis patients’ association (EME), Alfredo Rodríguez Antigüedad, neurologist specialized in MS and neurodegenerative diseases, and Jose María Ramos, lawyer specialized in multiple sclerosis.
This was followed by a round table discussion on the situation of patients with neurodegenerative diseases and the existing possibilities for increasing their social protection and ultimately improving their quality of life. The table was formed by Beatriz Martínez, director of the patients’ association Esclerosis Múltiple España (EME), Antoni Picó, head of institutional relations of Foment del Treball Nacional, Rosa Romero, senator of the XV Legislature and president of the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies of the XIV Legislature (2019-2023) and Emilio Sola, advisor of the Ministry of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government.
The event was closed by Ms. Carmen Gónzalez, General Director of Socio-Sanitary Coordination of the Madrid Health Service.
Watch on youtube (in Spanish)
The chronic patient and new digital solutions
Conference on the introduction of new digital solutions for chronic patients with the participation of health advisors from Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla y León, and Extremadura, which included the presentation of the study Digital Innovation in DIABETES with the sponsorship of Abbott.
The institutional opening of the conference was made by the Deputy Minister of Health Care and Public Health of the Community of Madrid. This was followed by the presentation of the Digital Innovation in DIABETES study conducted by IESE CRHIM (research center for innovation in health management) with the sponsorship of Abbott, which contains 17 proposals to speed up the implementation of digital platforms to improve the control of patients with diabetes treated with insulin.
The study presentation was followed by two panel discussions on:
- Inclusion of digital solutions to the portfolio of services with the manager of the health service of La Rioja and the Secretària Autonòmica d’Eficiència i Tecnologia Sanitària. Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública de la Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health).
- Digital strategy for chronic patients in Spain with the Regional Health Ministers of Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla y León, and Extremadura.
The closing remarks were made by the Secretary General for Digital Health, Information and Innovation of the National Health System.
Watch on youtube (in Spanish)
Bootcamps Apply to one of the different EIT Health Bootcamps in collaboration with IESE (Patient Innovation Bootcamp, Reactor Bootcamp, MedTech Bootcamp)
Training Programme Senior Executive Programme for Global Health Innovation Management (SEPGHIM) July-November 2022
SEPGHIM is a training program to enhance the innovation capacity of global health innovators by providing capacity building tailored to their needs. Led by IESE-CRHIM in collaboration with ISGlobal (Spain), University of Barcelona (Spain), Heidelberg University (Germany), INCAE (Costa Rica), Strathmore Business School (Kenya) and TU DELFT (Netherlands).
Registration for the 2022 program is open until April 15th. For more information, please visit our website and download our brochure.
- Module 1 Costa Rica (INCAE): 18-22 July 2022. MODULE POSTPONED.
- Module 2 Kenya (SBS): 19-23 Sept 2022
- Module 3 Spain (IESE): 7-11 Nov 2022
Webinar Precode June 21, 22, 27 & 28 (online) & July 4-8 (in person)
Webinar The 2022 BAHM Case Competition – A Global Event April 7-8
The 2022 BAHM Case Competition offers students the unique opportunity to work collaboratively across borders and to develop telehealth business plans for underserved communities across the globe.
Industry Meeting 28 Healthcare Industry Meeting | IESE Business School April 6
Under the theme “Byte-medicine: the Revolution of the Convergence of Medicine and Technology” the 28 IESE Health reflects on the key new trends in byte-medicine and how they will reshape the healthcare of the future. It brings together top experts from the sector to think about how the different agents in healthcare can work together to continue building a healthier society while leveraging the enormous potential of technology.
Conference IESE Healthcare Day 2022 | Barcelona March 31
IESE Healthcare Day is an annual conference organized by IESE MBA student directors of the Healthcare Club. Rxecutives and thought leaders from different corners of the healthcare industry discuss current issues, explore the major trends and challenges, and exchange ideas of possible solutions with IESE’s extended community.
Webinar Women Entrepreneurship bootcamp Webinar February 24
Workshop Annual Workshop AMR Detect Tool / EIT Health Project November 29-30, 2021
The second annual workshop of the AMR DetecTool project took place in Barcelona and online. Focus was on the clinical impact and market opportunities of rapid AMR tests.
Panel Discussion VIDA Strategic Initiative (Living with Atopic Dermatitis) November 20, 2021
Organized in collaboration with the publication of the IESE-CRHIM report, an informed debate with renowned experts discussing the most important advances and challenges related to Atopic Dermatitis.
Conference Telemedicina e innovación en diabetes: Telemedicina de calidad para las personas con diabetes insulinizadas September 2021
Webinar Global Challenges, Local Contexts and the COVID-19 Vaccine July 1, 2021
Fast tracking innovations for pandemic preparedness and management. Online webinar with renowned world experts providing their expertise and insights to the most challenging global health issue of today.
Webinar Un nuevo concepto de remisión integral en artritis reumatoide June 30, 2021
Webinar Transformación sanitaria en la era poscovid June 29, 2020
Webinar The 2021 BAHM Case Competition – A Global Event April 9, 2021
The 2021 BAHM Case Competition offered students the unique opportunity to work collaboratively across borders and to develop telehealth business plans for underserved communities across the globe.
Panel Discussion Health at the Core of Society March 25, 2021
Presentation and discussion of the report and its development of a framework for providing debate about the future of the Spanish health system.

Our team.
Our team at the Center for Research in Healthcare Innovation Management combines the expertise of academic directors, professors, researchers and collaborators to drive innovation in healthcare. Together, we aim to advance evidence-based solutions, foster collaboration, and create real value for patients and professionals by strengthening innovation, efficiency, and knowledge exchange in healthcare delivery.