Build Back Better
How business model innovation can help your firm out of the crisis
How business model innovation can help your firm out of the crisis
With COVID-19, there is no business as usual. Yet the restrictions in place need not limit business leaders’ imaginations. This is a prime time for business model innovation, changing how value is created. Christoph Zott and Raphael Amit share insights from their new book for entrepreneurial leaders.
Bruno Lea: “I’m asking you for your ideas”
How this ambitious entrepreneur is helping an established company think afresh about its business model.
Business model innovation (BMI) is a key task for managers – yet they often can’t do it because they lack the requisite mindset. Change your chip with these seven practical tips.
Philipp Schulte: “The crisis may have created a greater willingness to change”
This is how Giesecke+Devrient (G+D), one of that fabled group of German companies known as “hidden champions,” ran a strategic workshop to plan for big, disruptive innovation. Might it be time for your company to do the same?
Complex times call for complex and bolder solutions. M. Julia Prats explains how corporate venturing enablers can help established firms and startups to innovate and grow.
The Big Picture: Teleworking: the new normal?
Surveys of European workers by IESE’s Jeroen Neckebrouck and Mireia Las Heras reveal how salaried professionals who had never worked from home before reacted to the experience during the coronavirus lockdowns. Do you see yourself in the results? How might your work culture change as a result? Check out our infographic.
Take the iceberg challenge for better segmentation
When it comes to market segmentation, key factors for your business may lie beneath the surface. Dive in and deepen your understanding of your customers with the “iceberg challenge.”
COVID-19 crisis to alter banks’ business models
Looking ahead, the banking sector is likely to need a deep restructuring.
Lessons from Google for pivoting your business
Fuencisla Clemares, Country Manager for Google in Spain & Portugal, shares from her own experience how companies will need to adapt to COVID-19. (Video interview in Spanish)
This is one of dozens of live sessions and open-access resources available at iese.edu/open to inspire the business community to overcome the crisis.
“Companies that design for difference win every time”
Jonathan Lakin, Founder and CEO of Intent HQ, elaborates on how he’s using AI not just to observe current customer behavior but to get at what customers are trying to do.
Best practices to help entrepreneurs commercialize their research discoveries, based on a new report on “technology transfer.”
In search of the brightest ideas
After founding seven startups and investing in 10, Elena de Benavides takes her passion for innovation to the electric sector.
For these MiM graduates, launching a career right now isn’t easy, but these skills are more in demand than ever.
Stretch assignment: resources for staying well during lockdown
Living life and going to work in the age of coronavirus takes its toll physically, emotionally and mentally. A survey finds that those who maintained an exercise routine coped better.
Calculating the cost of climate change
By Carles Vergara
The coronavirus was only the latest disaster to hit real-estate markets. As record-breaking wildfires rage around the world, now is the time to think more, not less, about the effects of climate change on your business.
Is now the time? Recognizing tipping points in societal culture
In conversation with Massimo Maoret
We have known about climate change since the 1980s, but we are only really putting pressure on fossil fuel companies now. Why? Massimo Maoret talks about the role societal culture plays in regulation and opportunity – especially relevant during these days of social upheaval and civil unrest.
Lessons from sports to compete with AI
By Pedro Larrañaga and Concha Bielza
Sports teams are increasingly leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to enhance their performance. Here are five things companies can learn from them to achieve winning results.
Keys to confronting crises, from a hospital fighting COVID-19
Anticipating problems, protecting your people, and working in close cooperation with your stakeholders: these are some of the lessons the University of Navarra Clinic takes from its fight against COVID-19 in Spain. Plus: With pseudoscience rife on social media, we present new research on detecting fake news.
Build Back Better