Business books to lead with speed, to innovate and to bring work-life balance
For World Book Day, a selection of works by IESE professors
World Book Day is April 23, 2021.
Photo: Quim Roser
April 22, 2021

In this moment of economic uncertainty, strong leadership and management are more important than ever. With World Book Day on April 23, here’s a short list of books by IESE professors published this academic year, covering such crucial issues as artificial intelligence, work-life balance and business model innovation.
Take a look:
· Dirigiendo con velocidad (Leading with Speed)
By Pedro Nueno
As the pandemic accelerates the pace at which companies must react to events, eight keys to strategic and speedy leadership, including acquisitions, innovation, internationalization and diversification.
· Liderar personas con inteligencia artificial (Leading People with Artificial Intelligence)
By Guido Stein and José Ramón Pin Arboledas
A guide to using artificial intelligence in human resources for efficiency and effectiveness, especially in the talent recruitment and retention processes.
· Las conversaciones que no tenemos (The Conversations We Don’t Have)
An exploration of the promise and importance of the conversations we have, and how to ensure that the time we spending talking with others is enlightened and fruitful.
· Business Model Innovation Strategy: Transformational Concepts and Tools for Entrepreneurial Leaders
By Christoph Zott and Raphael Amit
An action-oriented book that provides leaders with a rigorous and detailed guide to the design and implementation of innovative and scalable business models for their companies.
· The New Ideal Worker: Organizations Between Work-Life Balance, Gender and Leadership
By Mireia Las Heras, Nuria Chinchilla and Marc Grau, editors
A collection that seeks to define and address the needs of today’s workforce, looking at the role of technology and of corporate policies, while exploring gender discrimination and equality.
· Enamorarse del futuro (Falling in Love with the Future)
By Miquel Lladó
An invitation to leaders and executives to script their own future rather than waiting for it to arrive – along with the managerial and analytical tools to be able to do so.
· The 7 Moments of Coaching
A slim, easy-to-read volume that shows the key stages and moments of executive coaching, delving into issues such as resilience, empathy, motivation, leadership, difficult relationships, decision-making and fulfillment.